28. When Hunger Strikes

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A/N: Okay, before you say anything, I know. Twilight scene ahead. Although I disliked the movie because of the horrible acting from Kristen Stewart, I loved a lot of scenes from that. So, please... And I'm serious. Please don't tell me something I already know. I know I used a Twilight scene. But I changed it a little bit. So please don't tell me what it is. It bugs me a lot.


Another three days went by. Things have been hard for me. Once again, Hiccup is letting himself starve for me, and everyone else is trying to manage despite everything. Hiccup leaned against the wall, with a small IV needle. His eyes struggled to focus on the small sharp needle in his hands, but he managed to continue what he was doing.

While Hiccup and I remained silent, the girls sat on separate couches doing their own thing. Rapunzel was quietly reading one of the many books she had found in the library, while Merida was contently scribbling on some paper. Meanwhile, my sister was observing what Hiccup was doing closely. 

For the past three days, Hiccup and Anna have seemingly had a silent truce. Though, Anna has been pushing Hiccup's boundaries, knowing he'd snap from lack of sleep and food. But at the same time, it's Hiccup who never fights back, even if he really wanted to. I know he is very capable.

I wonder if Hiccup and Anna worked some things out while I was asleep. I hope they don't hate each other forever.  Hiccup took a deep breath walking over to me. "I have to see if this work, give me your hand," He explained to me, extending his hand to me calmly.

Silently, I lifted my hand, holding it out for him. "Why?"

"If anything, this should help put nutrition in your body." He said to me. "It won't allow you any nutrients. Hold still, Love!"

I stay as still as possible as he put the needle into the top of my hand. It stung at first but went away. It actually felt weird, but after a few minutes, it seemed to fade away. 

Hiccup backed up for a moment, looking me over. He furrowed his brow, shaking his head, trying to shake any distraction from his head. He glanced up, only to see the angered glare from my sister, sitting across the room. 

"It's not working, Hiccup!" Anna told him, nearly pointing fingers. 

Hiccup turned to her silently. "It's not supposed to take effect immediately, Anna. Do you not know how medications work these days?" He replied to me, calmer than usual.

"Can't you just admit that nothing is working anymore, and you're just actively drugging my sister," Anna sneered at him, as I turned around in the chair, glancing up at Hiccup. He quickly glanced down at me, looking back up at Anna, holding his arm out to help me up.

"Why would I admit that?" He asked.

Standing up, with Hiccup's help, I glance at the two of them. I could tell Hiccup was getting tense, and Anna was provoking him. I wish they'd just work things out, but at the same time, what do you expect from a teenage girl and an immortal wolf with polar opposite personalities? Of course, something is going to go wrong. With a sigh, I turn to say something when I suddenly gasp in pain, feeling Hiccup support me as I felt my strength give out.

I let out a whimper, feeling the pain of hunger now. "You need to find a way to get some food into her system," Anna told Hiccup earning a glare from him as he glanced back at me.

"If I could only see the fetus..." Hiccup started silently.

"It's a baby." Anna corrected him, cutting him off.

"... Maybe l could figure out what it wants."

We all stay silent for a moment. Hiccup glanced at me before he looked to the girls. After a moment he looked to Raps, seeing her smirk "Think you might be right." He said standing up. "Rapunzel just had an idea."

She looked at him. "Hiccup, It wasn't an idea." She said. "More like a snide comment,"

"It'll work." He muttered.

"What were you thinking?" I ask.

"That it's probably just looking for someone to tear apart," Rapunzel said.

Sighing, I look to Hiccup before turning to Rapunzel. "It's hungry," I say.

Hiccup sighed, rolling his eyes almost reacting as if he were in pain. "I know that feeling." He thought for a moment. "I think I might know what it wants." He said then left us alone. In a few minutes, he returned with a fresh-kill. He looked at it for a couple of seconds as if he were fighting his own hunger.

He got a cup, letting the blood and some other things fall into the cup. He put a lid on it, then dropped then limp, dry animal body in the closest garage. He looked at it for a minute then handed it over. "Wait, wait, wait. You're gonna make her drink that?" Anna asked him.

Hiccup nodded, genuinely. "It's the fastest way to test the theory." He answers them looked to me. "Only if you're comfortable with it."

"I'll try anything," I say, taking the cup. Anna looked like she was going to throw up. I take a deep breath then take a sip of it. Hiccup had his gaze fixed on me. "Tastes... Good." I say, shocked then take another sip.

He sat beside me, taking the hand that was attached to an IV monitor. "Your pulse is already getting stronger." He told me.

"It's working," Punz adds on.

Hiccup looked at me for a moment. "I think we just found our semi-cure."


I take another sip of the cup I had. Hiccup had to refill it three times already, and he's still fighting his thirst. I hear him come in this time, then lookup. "Hey."

"You sound a lot better." He says to me.

"I feel better," I reply to him, looking up at him with a smile.

"That's good. Again, I'm sorry I've been so angry." He told me, running his hand through his hair.

He kneeled in front of me, looking me in the eyes. "l would be, too," I say to him, noticing how paler he looked from the lack of food. He looked paler then I did.

He stopped. "Who was that?"

I look at him, completely confused. "What?"

"I thought I just heard..." He echoed. "Just say something else." He said.

"Like what?" I could see him smile a little. "Hiccup, what's going on?" I ask.

"It likes the sound of your voice." He said.

"You can hear it?" I ask.

"It's mind, I guess." Right, mind-reader Werewolf here.

"What else do you hear?" I ask him.

"It's so strange." He muttered.

"I thought it was like me, but it's not." He said then looked up. "It's like you. Good and pure. It's happy." He said.

"Of course you are," I say to the baby. "Of course you're happy. How could you not be?"

"l love you so much," I whisper. Hiccup went silent. "What do you hear now?" I ask.

"It loves you, Elsa."

Her Wolf ~Book 1~ [Hiccelsa]Where stories live. Discover now