16. Snotlout

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Here's is chapter... I forget.. Can someone tell me what chapter number is??? Anyways, on with the chapter!!! (EDIT: Chapter 16)

It was early morning when we set out again. Hiccup was still in Wolf form. He pulled the sled with ease, as I follow. I start to feel a little fear. We're in the middle of the territory, and as Hiccup says, it's dangerous. He wanted to pass this area as quickly as we could, just to avoid the wolf pack. He padded along calmly, although his ears went in every direction searching for the sounds all around, that I could not hear. 

He seemed calm, but I bet he was waiting for danger on the inside. "Hiccup!" I call out.


"How much longer?"

"Not much longer, we're almost there." He stopped, pulling the rope from the sled off of him. "Stay here. I'm going to see if the trail is safe." He told me looking at me.

I only nod slowly. He gave me one more look, then took off. I take my phone out. There's no service here. I hope there's service at this house. As soon as I realized I'm alone again, I start to look around. I hear a growl. It's probably just Hiccup coming back.

I look at the shadow Coming near me. It was a wolf. But it wasn't black. It wasn't Hiccup! Oh god! Where is Hiccup? He has to be close! "Hiccup," I call quietly. The wolf was grey with blue eyes. The winds slowly blew my scent in its direction. He licked is jaws ready to attack when a blur of black came from nowhere tackling it.

Hiccup! He grabbed the grey wolf by the scruff of his neck pinning him down. "You will NOT kill my Mate!" He snarled. Mate? He's accepted me as his mate?!

"She's human! I have every right too." The grey wolf snarled.

Hiccup barked back madly. "You. Will. Not. Kill. My. Mate!!" He then shook his head. "Snotlout?"

Snotlout? He's here? I didn't think he'd show up. Snotlout leaped forwards, shifting to human, forcing Hiccup to shift. He landed on top of Hiccup, pinning him to the snowy ground. "What are you doing in Wolf territory, Hiccup?!" Snotlout hissed to him.

"I have every right to be here. It's my mother's territory." Hiccup replied, showing no weakness.

"It's it your mothers any more. The territory is no longer in the Haddock name. It's Jorgenson's." Snotlout replied putting pressure on Hiccup's chest. He extended a claw, digging it into his chest. Hiccup showed no pain, although I could see it. "Don't make me rip your heart out, Haddock. I'll do it."

"Not if I kill you first!" Hiccup snarled, shifting as he lunged. The two circled in the snow. Snotlout was again in wolf form. Hiccup lunged at him, pinning him to the ground. 

He has a hungry look in his eyes. He was going to kill him. Snotlout sneered madly. "Kill me, Haddock. Go ahead, kill me and take your name back." Hiccup didn't do anything. "Kill me and take your place. Your place as Alpha. The place you deserve."

Hiccup lifted his head preparing for a killing bite. Snotlout sneered again. "You don't kill, Hiccup." Snotlout gasped. Hiccup snarled, his gaze still on Snotlout. "You never could do it." Snotlout added. "Even as a pup. You couldn't kill. It's not in your family."

Hiccup starred in his cousin's blue eyes. Gave up, letting him free. Snotlout shifted, glaring at Hiccup. "See? You can't kill!"

"Because I'm not evil. Like you. I still have humanity in me. You. You're lost forever." Hiccup snarled.

"You've been in control longer." Snotlout hissed.

"Only because my mother was a wolf!" He hissed.

"I didn't want to be a wolf!" Snotlout yelled. "But you turned me. Now I'll spend an eternity trying to kill you!" Snotlout snarled as Hiccup backed up. "That's right. Be afraid." He snarled.

"Leave. And don't come back!" Snotlout growled. "You have 'till sunset to leave. If I find you in my territory again. I'll have the twins kill you."

Hiccup backed up again. He then picked up the rope to the sled, then looked at me. "Let's go."

Her Wolf ~Book 1~ [Hiccelsa]Where stories live. Discover now