1. New Beginnings

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"Elsa. Elsa wakes up."

I slowly open my eyes to see my little sister, Anna hovering me. "What?" I ask tiredly. Her bright blue eyes were locked on me and she looked as if she were ready to jump out of her skin as she slightly bounced in place.

"C'mon. We're going to be late for school." She said pulling me out of the bed.

"I don't want to go," I complain rolling over, turning my back to her.

"Yes. You. Do. You love it. Especially in the winter." Anna said to me.

"What does the winter have to do with anything?" I ask. "I still don't want to get up!"

"Come on, Get up!"

I sigh then get up. "Fine, let me get ready," I say to her as I pushed her out of my room then started to get ready. I put my hair into a simple twisted french braid. My outfit was simple as well. Knee-length dark blue dress with a light grey cover and dark grey leggings. To top it off, some black converses. After I applied some make up.

It's just school, I don't really need to impress anyone. With a glance at my appearance in the mirror, I head out of my room, walking down the stairs. In the kitchen, was my Mother and Anna. Mom saw me walk in and greeted me with a smile. "Good morning Elsa," she said kindly.

I only smiled as I sat down beside Anna, starting on my bagel as Anna practically scarfed back her cereal. Mom and Dad were talking about some important things and I decided not to listen to them. I zoned out for a moment, but I knew my parents were talking. The next thing I knew was... "You two better go before you miss the bus."

Already. With an angered sigh, wrap my bagel in my napkin, deciding to take it with me rather than waste it, before heading out the door.


As I walk through the school, I notice different students doing different things. I recognized all the familiar faces in the halls. From the jocks down to the anti-social nerds. From the corner of my eye, I notice a boy against the wall with a book. He actually wasn't reading it. It looked as if he were either writing or drawing in it. I've never seen this kid before. Must be new. He looked to be in the corner, where he was mostly hidden.

As I walk, I see someone walk past the boy, knocking everything out of his arms. The other kid laughed. "Oh I'm sorry Fishbone, I didn't see you there." He snickered then went on his way. I also recognized the other kid as Snotlout Jorgenson... I mentally rolled my eyes as I watched this all unfold. The boy stopped him. I watched for a moment.

The slimmer boy stared him in the eyes. I could tell he was saying something, but I didn't know what. After a few minutes, Snotlout left. As soon as he left I went to him. "Do you need help?" I ask him then pick up his things. He quickly picked up his own things, then looked up slowly.

The boy was wearing a pair of sunglasses. Who wears sunglasses inside? He then slowly lifted the shades looking at me. My gaze locked with a bright Green gaze. The boy had dark Auburn hair that was slightly messy as shaggy, but it gave him a unique look.

I couldn't help but get lost in his eyes. Sure, a lot of people have green eyes -- but his were different. It's like their were more then just one shade.

He picked up his things even quicker, then stood up. "You must be new." I start to him.

"You could say that," the boy answered me, glancing to his left before his gaze fell back on me.

"Figured as much. That's Snotlout. A total jerk if you ask me."

He looked at me. "Figured." We both stood up slowly.

"And You are?" He asked looking me down.


"Elsa." He repeated my name giving it a nice ring. "Beautiful name." He continued to put things in his bag. Before I could ask a question he said something. "Hiccup." He answered as if he read my mind. "My name is Hiccup."

In his hand, I see a black sketchbook. "You draw?" I ask.


"Can I see?" I almost demanded.

He looked at me. "Umm, sure." He handed me the black sketchbook. I watch him go into his bag, before I curiously flipped to the first page. The first picture was a wolf. The black wolf was absolutely outstanding, it's forest blue eyes raised to the starry sky. There was a deep pain in it's eyes so real that my heart twisted in pity. It's long fur was being swept by wind, and it was seated at the top of a hill, the grass silver from the moonlight.

"That's amazing," I say in awe. I just turned to the next sketch. It was a dragon! The small black dragon was staring with intense deep green eyes at a pool of water. There wasn't a background for this one, but there was no need. The picture was perfect. I slowly handed the book back to him. "They're amazing!" I tell him.

He put the book back in his bag. "Eh, there okay. But Thanks." I couldn't help but stand there and stare at him. Something about it really attracted me to him. The brown-haired boy in front of me continued to shove things in his bag but suddenly stopped, looking at me, exposing the fact that I was staring at him. "Uhm, the bell's about to ring." He suddenly said to me.

"Oh." I felt disappointed.

He looked to me, his blazing gazed searched me for a moment. "Maybe I'll see you around." He added before leaving.

I watch him leave, as my two best friends, Rapunzel and Merida. Rapunzel was the long blonde haired prep girl who has info on everything. She always wore frilly clothing and always looked better than everyone in the school. Merida hails all the way from Scottland with the Scottish accent to prove it. With long-thick curly hair that was as red as could be, she's the tomboy of the group, into archery and sports. She's like the enforcer of our group. Not afraid to speak her mind and speak up for her friends. "Who was that?" Punz asked.

I just looked at her as Hiccup rounded the corner, disappearing from my sightline. "His name is Hiccup," I say.

"He's cute!" She added.

"You thought he was cute?" I ask.

"From where I was standing, yes I did."

I smile faintly. "Well I was right in front of him," I say, rolling my eyes.

Punz smiled. "What else do you know about him?" She asked.

"Um. He's a good drawer." I say. "I don't know, I only met him like a minute ago, but I didn't get enough info on him... He doesn't talk much."

Before Punz could say anything the bell rang. How on earth did Hiccup know that. "We're going to be late!" Punz squeaked grabbing mine and Merida's arms. "Let's go."

Her Wolf ~Book 1~ [Hiccelsa]Where stories live. Discover now