2. Flirting

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You were a huge flirter. You never flirted with guys; the second you wave to them they develop a three year crush. You loved to flirt with girls, and they loved to be on the receiving end.

You were a talented athlete, playing every sport Arendelle High had, and was the team captain in  five sports. 

Even though you flirted with everyone, you had your eyes on a certain platinum blonde. She wasn't very popular at school, but you saw things in her that others didn't. You had met Elsa through her sister, Anna. 


"This is my older sister, Elsa," Anna says as you leave the baseball pitch. "She's going to come with us to get ice cream." 

"I would've guessed you were sisters. You're both gorgeous, but of course, the oldest is the most attractive," you wink at Elsa and she blushes, while Anna hits you with her purse. Y

You laugh, "Kidding." 

"Not," you say to Elsa when Anna was out of earshot.

"Let's go get ice cream," Anna says. 

"Y/N," someone calls your name. You snap out of your memories and pass the puck to your teammate, Kendra. She scores just before the buzzer sounds, and you clap with the rest of your team. 

You congratulate her as you head into the change rooms. You change in the open, and the girls love that. You athletic body on display for anyone to look at. 

As you take off your shirt, you notice Elsa staring at you from the coroner of the changing room. You turn a bit so your abs would be visible to her.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," you whisper with a wink. Elsa reddens, but doesn't stop looking at you.

"Y/N would've probably made the shot better," Kendra waves off peoples congratulations modestly. 

"Nah, I passed to you because only because I knew only a pretty girl like you would score the last goal," you say, and Kendra blushes. You didn't notice Elsa slam her bag on the bench.

"With all the flirting you do I would think you'd be dating someone by now," Kendra says thoughtfully. 

"I've got my eye on someone and guess what...she's in this room," you say, glancing at Elsa who was already looking at you. She turns away, and you don't see the small smile that forms on her lips. 

"Too many people in this room, I'll have to figure it out later. See you around Y/N," Kendra says as she leaves the locker room. 

"Bye Y/N," several other people wave to you, and you wave back. 

You put on your shirt when a voice says, "So you like me." 

"Yep," you say, grabbing your sweater and pulling it over your head.

Elsa nods thoughtfully and moved to walk out of the room.

"Wait do you like me back," you ask. 

"Yeah," she replies.

You fumble with your sleeves, "Do you want to date me?"

Elsa sighs, "I do but I don't. I really like you, but you flirt with everyone, and I wouldn't know if you actually cared about me, or if you want someone else. I'm just not ready for a relationship with you right now."

Before you could say anything, she walks away. 

Over the next few days, you kept your flirting to a minimum, and everyone was asking Elsa why she rejected you. You didn't tell anyone, and you knew Elsa didn't tell anyone either. Someone must've been eavesdropping. 

"Why did you tell people," Elsa hissed when you walked past her. 

"I didn't! I swear, I would never do that," you whisper back. 

"Why did you reject Y/N," Kendra walks up to Elsa, "I wouldn't. In fact, I'l take your place." 

Kendra wraps an arm around your waist, and leans in. You slide out of her grip, "You're cool, but I'm not interested." 

Kendra's face twists in anger. "Why would you choose that loser," she sneers. 

"I take back what I said yesterday. You're not that pretty," you say, and the crowd gathering around you laughs. Kendra runs at you, and you bring up your fists, but she attacks the blonde beside you. 

Elsa, taken by surprise, is knocked against the lockers as Kendra punches her and slams her against the wall. 

You grab Kendra's sweater and pull her off Elsa. Kendra tries to twist out of your grip, you but you pin her against the lockers. 

"I know this is the moment you think I'm gonna kiss you, but it ain't happening," you say, and the students around you laugh. You punch Kendra That's for Elsa.

"Don't touch her again, or you'll see me really fight," you say as you let her go. She runs down the hall, a few papers fluttering behind her.

"You've got issues," you call after her retreating figure, and the students laugh. 

You turn towards the blonde who was on the ground, and you gently lift her head up, looking at the bruise that was forming.

"Come on," you pull Elsa to her feet and away from the other students. 

Once off the school grounds, you turn Elsa around to face you. 

"I'm fine, she just caught me by surprise," Elsa says, waving away your concern. 

You turn her head to the side gently and look at her bruise again. 

"That's gotta hurt," you say, brushing your finger over it.

"I'm fine," Elsa says, but you pick up some snow on the ground and put it on her bruise. She flinches at the cold at first, but then leans into your hand. 

"Thanks," she whispers. 

"No problem," you say. 

"I'll walk you home if you don't want to go back," you say. 

"Y/N, I think I made a decision too quickly. I thought you were a player because you flirted with everyone, but you stopped after I said that I liked you. I-I really would like to date you," Elsa says. 

"Really," you smile shyly.

"Yeah," Elsa smiles back. You lean in look into her blue eyes, asking for permission. Elsa meets you there in a sweet kiss. 

"Mmmm," you hum. Elsa pulls away.

"No more flirting with anyone," Elsa says firmly.

You raise an eyebrow, "Done."

"Unless it's with me," she adds after, and you smirk.

You kiss her, "You have my word, beautiful." 

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