43. Thawing Ice

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Request: Elsa and the reader grow up together, but because of her powers Elsa is afraid of hurting her. After the great thaw, Elsa doesn't hesitate to express her feelings to the reader and is finally able to touch her without fear. 

I smiled as the last snowflake disappeared from Arendelle, leaving the sky clear and blue. I watched my best friend - and crush - hug her sister Anna. I smiled and turned away, walking down the stone streets of Arendelle. 

Elsa and I grew up together, and we were quite close. I was a commoner though, and Elsa didn't have much time for me. However, whenever she could, we would build snowmen, have snowball fights, and I would request objects for Elsa to make with her powers, never tiring of her magic. 

One day however, she stopped coming to our spot under the oak tree. Elsa sent me a heartbreaking letter stating that we can't see each other again because she doesn't want to hurt me with her powers. It wasn't until the the coronation party that I actually saw her again. I witnessed the disastrous encounter with her sister, but I didn't think she was a monster for her magic. 

I was so worried about her when she disappeared into the mountains, but now she and Anna were safe back home, and she had learned to control her magic. I suppressed a proud smile, I knew Elsa could do it. 


A couple of days later, I was at the now open gates of Arendelle, and watched as Queen Elsa created a skating rink. I bought ice skates from the vendor and was skating to an invisible beat. Others were having a bit of trouble staying upright, including Princess Anna, but the childhood practice I had allowed me to adapt quickly. 

"Y/N." I almost slipped as I heard my name being said from her lips. A soft hand gripped my forearm, preventing me from falling. 

"Elsa," I couldn't stop the small smile from forming on my lips. 

"Do you want to skate with me?" A shy smile appeared. I nodded, and was about to take her hands in mine when the Queen shook her head. 

"Not here. I want to go somewhere a little more private. There's something I want to tell you." I frowned slightly, hoping it wasn't bad news. Elsa smiled reassuringly at me and reached out for my hand nervously. I took it with a shy smile, hoping my hands weren't shaking as I made the first contact with Elsa for the first time in years. 

She led me down to the fjord behind the castle, and we stood for a few moments, admiring the sea. 

"I've known you for a long time. We've spent our childhood together, and then grew up and apart," Elsa turned to me and whispered, "And I'm so sorry for that. I know how hurt you must've felt when I stopped showing up at the tree, and the pain when I sent you the letter saying that we can't see each other anymore. It's just that I hurt Anna with my powers, I hurt someone I love, and I didn't want us to be near each other, because I was scared to touch you and accidentally hurt you, because...well because I love you." 

I blinked, uncertain, "You love me? As a friend?" 

Elsa smiled, amused, "No Y/N. When we were younger I used to say that I loved you, and everyone thought that I meant just as a friend, but I didn't. When I said I love you, I meant it as in I really love you."

I smiled, and wrapped my arms gently around Elsa's waist, causing her to gasp in surprise, "And when I said I love you too, I meant that I love you." The platinum blonde smiled at me, and closed her eyes, leaning in. My eyes fluttered shut as our lips made contact, her soft, red, perfect lips moving against mine. My hands traveled to the back of her head, playing with the baby hairs on her neck.

We pulled apart eventually, and Elsa cupped my cheek tears welling in her eyes. 

"I've loved you for so long, I was just scared I was going to hurt you, and I'm so sorry for distancing myself. Now that I know love is the source for controlling my powers...being with you earlier could've solved everything."

"But you're not afraid to love me anymore, and we're here together now," I said leaning into her touch. 

"Always." We simultaneously leaned in for another kiss. No matter what, we would always love each other, and we would never let fear get in the way of us. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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