20. Swimming

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It was summer in Arendelle, and the weather was nice and warm. Elsa was currently in a council meeting and I was waiting outside the door for it to finish. 

It's been a year since the Great Thaw, and Elsa's been happily sharing her beautiful ice powers with the Kingdom, but today I wanted to take her somewhat out of her element. Water is just melted ice, so I think she might be up for it. 

"Y/N!" Elsa exclaimed, giving me a hug, "You're always here so early."

"Because I'm waiting for you," I replied, giving her a quick kiss, "Come on, we're going swimming!"

"Swimming?" Elsa asked with a frown. 

"Yep, and Anna is coming. I know how much you love to skate, but I thought we'd try something new. I was thinking the lake by the edge of Arendelle. It's quiet there." 

"Okay," Elsa said nervously, "I'll get ready." 

"We don't have to if you don't want to," I said, unsure if Elsa actually wanted to do it. 

"No no, I want to. It's just I've never...went swimming before," she said. 

"I'll teach you," I said, and she gave me a smile.



We took a carriage to the lake and told the driver to pick us up in an two hours. Elsa looked really nervous, but I wasn't sure why. I wouldn't let her drown, and even if she was floundering she could just create some ice platform. 

I took off my loose shirt and shorts, revealing a purple and blue bikini. I could feel a pair of eyes burning into my back, and I pretended to stretch a bit, showing off my muscles. I could hear a sharp intake of breath.

"Like what you see?" I smirked. Elsa blushed and nodded, her eyes roaming up and down my body. I hummed, and tilted her head up to meet my lips in a sweet kiss. I pulled away too quickly for her liking, but when she tried to pull me back I dodged her hands. 

"If you want more of me, you're gonna have to get in the water," I said, stepping into the pleasantly warm lake. Anna and Kristoff were already throwing a ball around, but Elsa wouldn't get in. 

I intercepted the ball from Anna and waved for Elsa to get in. She sighed before making an ice boat and slowly came up to us. 

"I'm in the water," she said. I smiled at her and threw the ball, almost knocking her off the boat. 

"Y/N," Elsa glared, before throwing the ball smacking me in the face. The force sent me into the water. I came back up to the surface sputtering. Elsa and Anna laughed at my expression. 

"It's on," I smirked. We had a huge sort of dodgeball fight, but it calmed down after Kristoff almost sunk Elsa's boat. 

The couple swam off to the side, and I wanted swim further out into the lake, but Elsa was still in her boat.

"Come out and swim with me," I whined, and Elsa giggled.

"Okay." I pushed her boat back to the shore so she could leave her clothes on the beach. She was blushing furiously as her fingers brushed the sides of her dress, but she move to take it off.

"Are you nervous?" I asked, a teasing glint in my tone. Elsa opened her mouth to reply but closed it quickly again, her cheeks turning a darker shade of red. 

"I've never went swimming with anyone before. I usually went by myself, and no one was there to see...me," she said, looking away from me. 

"You have nothing to be nervous about," I said softly, wrapping my arms around her waist loosely, "You're beautiful. And probably more so without this on." I gestured to her dress with a smirk, and she blushed. 

"Okay." She took a deep breath before flicking her wrist, and her ice dress was replaced by a turquoise bikini. I forgot she could do that. 

She instinctively moved her arms to cover herself, but I gently took her hands in mine, "Don't cover yourself."

 Elsa closed her eyes anticipating what I would say, but I couldn't say anything. I stared at her, drinking in the beauty in front of me. Her long legs, creamy thighs, toned stomach...I can't believe she was nervous. Elsa's eyes opened slowly and was confused to why I was staring at her. 

"Y/N?" I didn't answer her, and instead pulled her towards me and crashed our lips together. 

"Mmm," Elsa moaned, pulling my hips closer to her. I traced my hands up and down her sides, while moving my lips against hers.

I pulled away, and smirked, "I have no idea why you were nervous, Elsa. You don't have to hide yourself from me. You're gorgeous."

"Thank you," Elsa blushed. I tilted her head up to give her a kiss. 

"Come into the water now, beautiful." Elsa took my outstretched hand and I led her into the lake. 

"Took you long enough," Anna waved at her sister. She then returned to making out with Kristoff. Elsa chuckled and swam further into the water, with me swimming beside her. We were pretty far into the lake when Elsa stopped swimming. 

"You're a fair swimmer," I said, impressed.

"You're not so bad yourself," Elsa grinned. To my surprise, she hooked her arms around my neck and wrapped her legs around my waist. I raised my eyebrows as I instinctively moved my arms around her lower back to support her, inadvertently pulling her body closer. 

Elsa giggled, and gazed at me adoringly. I smiled softly before leaning in and connecting our lips in a sweet kiss. Elsa hummed and pulled me impossibly closer, our lips moving together. It was quickly becoming more than just a kiss, when Elsa started to kiss me rougher.

She bit down on my bottom lip and I groaned. Her hands tangled in my hair while I cupped her cheek. I ran my tongue along her lip, and she gasped. I took to opportunity to push through her lips, and explore her mouth. 

My hands accidentally slipped from her lower back onto her ass, and Elsa moaned. I quickly brought them back up, fearing that I went too far. Elsa's eyes fluttered open, and I saw they were dark, the usual sparkling blue replaced by a hungry look. 

I dropped my hand lower again, brushing the side of her bikini bottom and her thigh, and she shivered. 

"Y/N," Elsa breathed, tilting her head up to deepen the kiss. I brought my hands back up, moving to unclasp her bikini top, when I heard a splash. 

"Hey, keep it PG you two," Anna winked, and behind her stood a very awkward Kristoff. Elsa flushed immediately, burying her face into my neck. I waved to Anna, my cheeks also very red and the ginger laughed and swam off. 

"Have fun, lovebirds," she said teasingly. Elsa sighed, leaning her forehead against mine. 

"I guess we should go back to where Anna and Kristoff are." Elsa moved to unwrap her legs from my waist, but I placed a hand on her thigh. 

"We're not done yet," I said huskily, leaning down to capture her lips in a passionate kiss while my hands fiddled with the clasp of her bikini top.  

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