15. Bruises ⚠️

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⚠️Mentions & description of physical abuse⚠️

"Maybe you'll do better next time," my father snarled before walking away, leaving me on the floor. I spit out blood from my mouth, but there were no tears from my eyes. 

I was used to the abuse from my father by now. It started after my mom died from a car accident. He started to drink and then beat me. I cried a lot at first, but I got used to the pain. 

He beat me over nothing. Nine out of ten on a test, not making as many baskets as I should have in basketball, or whatever crap he decided I should do better on. 

I had a boyfriend, Hans, and early into our relationship he walked in on my father hitting me. I was relieved, I thought he would stop him, but Hans just laughed. After that, Hans beat me too. I tried to breakup with him, but that just led to more beatings from both of them. 

I walked to school, keeping my hood low over my face until I reached the bathroom. There, I made sure no one was there before I put on lots of concealer. My father made sure to hit me where people wouldn't see and clothes could cover the bruises, but sometimes in his rages he would hit me in the face. I had to always make sure concealer was in my bag.

"There, that should do it," I murmured to myself. I took a deep breath and forced myself not to cry. That would ruin the makeup, and my father's not worth crying for. 

I stepped out of the bathroom and was greeted by a gorgeous platinum blonde. 

"Y/N! You're always here so early," Elsa said, giving me a hug. I tried not to wince, the bruises were quite fresh. 

"Are you okay?" she frowned. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. The basketball workout was tough and I'm a bit sore today," I said. I always prided myself on my ability to lie so easily, "What are you doing here so early?"

"I wanted to study for the science test we have today. And I knew you would be here since you're always early, so I was wondering if you could help me?" Elsa asked hopefully. 

"Of course," I smiled. I would never turn down any time to spend with Elsa. I was in a forced relationship with Hans, but if I wasn't I would probably ask Elsa out. 

I followed her to the library and went to the science section. 

"You've got a bit of concealer," Elsa said softly, moving to wipe it off my jaw.

"It's...supposed to be there. Acne," I said. 

"Concealer isn't good for acne, you tell me that all the time," Elsa frowned. "Besides, your skin is always really clear."

"The acne part of puberty hit me late," I said. Elsa frowned, but led me into a row of books. 

"Can you help me get that book?" Elsa pointed to a biology book on the top shelf. I was about an inch taller than her, so I reached up and was about to take the book off the shelf when I heard her gasp. 

"Y/N!" she said, pointing to my stomach. I handed her the biology book and pulled down my sweater. 

"What?" I asked nonchalantly. 

"There are bruises on your stomach," she said, and reached for the hem of my sweater.

I caught her wrist midway, "I'm okay, it's just basketball practice. I got knocked around a lot."

"Y/N, I've been to your games. You're the best player! You've never gotten an bruise like that before," Elsa said, reaching for my sweater again. 

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