13: The Frost Bites

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I sighed, watching the platinum blonde laugh at something her boyfriend said. I had liked her for so long, but was too scared to tell her. Elsa just started dating Jack Frost, and now it was too late. 

Jack was a nice guy and they made a good couple. The only thing was that Jack was my best friend, and hiding that I had a crush on his girlfriend is really hard. Not to mention that I told him that I liked Elsa before. I don't know why he would start to date Elsa when I told him that. He's a nice guy, it didn't seem like he would do it out of spite. 

I started to unconsciously pull out grass. I was torn between hating Jack and feeling good for him because he and Elsa were a good match. 

"Hey, Y/N, are you okay?" Jack called out to me, a frown on his face. 

"Fine," I muttered. 

"You sure? You look pretty upset right now," Jack said, unwrapping his arms from Elsa and walking over. 

"I said I'm fine," I snapped. His eyes widened and hurt spread across his face. He's too nice for his own good. 

I sighed, "I'm sorry, Jack. I'm just stressed about the history test."

"That's next week," Jack said, frowning deeper. I'm such a horrible liar. 

"You know me, I take a long time to memorize things. And history is one of my worst subjects," I said, quickly walking towards the school, not wanting Jack to ask something else. 

I walked around the corner of the school and pressed my back against the cool stone. 

Get it together, I thought, Jack can't find out or he'll get mad. Stop acting weird around him all the time. 

I took a deep breath and walked into the school library, checking out a random history book.

Elsa POV

As I watched Y/N walk towards the school, I frowned. 

"Isn't Y/N really good at history?" I asked Jack. 

"Yeah," he replied, "She's good at everything that has to with school."

"I thought so. I have her in some of my classes and she's really smart. She's been acting weird ever since..."

"Ever since what?" Jack asked. 

"It can't be..." I muttered. 

"What?" he asked impatiently.

"Nothing," I smiled at him. But inside, I felt hopeful and something stirring...something I never felt with Jack.

Your POV

I sat at a library table, gloomily reading the history of Arendelle.

"Hi Y/N!" My energetic best  friend sat down at my table, a bright smile on her face. 

"Hi Rapunzel," I said. 

"Someone's in a bad mood. Does it have anything to do with...Elsa?" she asked.

"Keep your voice down," I hissed, "And yes."

"Just tell her how you feel," Rapunzel said. 

"She's dating Jack. It's too late for that," I replied. 

"Telling people how you feel is a good way to let go of your feelings," Rapunzel said. 

"Really?" I said, faking interest. 

"Yep," Rapunzel grinned, popping the p at the end. 

"Well my feelings for Elsa aren't going to go away any time soon if they've stuck around this long," I said, turning a page of the Arendelle History book. 

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