22. Sweet As Honey

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I smiled as I watched Honeymaren talk to Elsa. The brunette had the largest crush on the fifth spirit ever since they spent that night together when the giants came. The problem was...so did I. But Honeymaren is my best friend, and you don't go after your best friend's crush. She told me first anyway.

"Hey Y/N, come join us," Elsa called to me. I noticed Honeymaren looked a bit upset when Elsa said that, wanting to have some time alone with the platinum blonde. 

"I'd love to, but I promised Ryder I'd help him with the reindeer," I said, smiling at her.  It wasn't exactly a lie, I did say I'd help him...just that was three hours ago. Now Elsa looked disappointed, but Honeymaren gave me a grateful smile. 

I walked down to the fjord and looked over at Arendelle sparkling in the sunlight. 

"You know, I'm pretty sure Elsa likes you." I whipped around and saw Ryder walking towards me. 

"Why do you say that?" I asked, looking back out at the peaceful water.

"Because, she asks about you all the time. I told her that you had finished feeding the reindeer already you kind already did it four hours ago," Ryder teased, and I gave him a halfhearted smile. "As much as I love Honeymaren and I want her to be happy, Elsa doesn't like her back."

"I can't be with Elsa, Ryder. Honeymaren likes her, and it wouldn't be right," I sighed. 

"True, but I think Honeymaren is starting to realize that Elsa likes someone else," Ryder said, giving me a wink. He walked away, leaving me to stare confusedly at his back. When he was out of sight, I shrugged to myself and went back to staring out at the water. It was something I could do for hours on end, just to stare at the sea.

"It really is beautiful, isn't it," Elsa's voice cut me out of my thoughts. 

"Yeah, it is," I smiled, "Is Honeymaren with you?" I looked over Elsa's shoulder but there was no sign of the brunette. 

"No, she went to talk to Ryder with something, so I came to see you." 

Elsa being nervous is cute...snap out of it! This isn't right. 

"Oh, that's nice. We should probably get back for dinner," I said.

"Are you and Honeymaren dating?" Elsa's question took me by surprise.

"No. We've been best friends for years, but I've never thought about her romantically," I explained, "Why, do you like her?"

Elsa's eyes widened, "No! Is that why you won't...She's a good friend to me." 

Elsa looked so beautiful in the setting sun, and I unconsciously started to lean in. Her eyes fluttered closed as I brought my hand up to her cheek. 

"Dinner everyone!" Ryder's voice echoed through the forest. I pulled away quickly. 

"Um, I-I'm sorry. I-We...I have to go," I stuttered, and left a blushing and confused Elsa staring at my retreating figure. 

I was really quiet at dinner, and avoided Elsa's gaze. Honeymaren and Ryder attempted to strike up a conversation with me, but I wasn't in the cheerful mood.

Honeymaren won't be happy if she found out I almost kissed her, even if she would've kissed me back. I have to be more careful, I chastised myself. 

"Hey," Honeymaren waved her hand in front of my face. 

"Sorry, I zoned out," I said. I glanced at Elsa on the other side of the campfire and saw that her eyes were already trained on mine.

"Did you hear a word I just said?" Honeymaren sighed. 

"Sorry, I'm listening," I said, turning my full attention to the brunette. 

"Can I talk to you? Somewhere else?" she asked. 

"Sure." Honeymaren led me away from the camp and into the woods where no one would hear us. 

"Did you bring me out here to murder me?" I joked. 

"No," Honeymaren said, fidgeting with the sleeve of her sweater, "I know you like Elsa. I saw you two at the fjord." I was taken aback.

"Yeah I do," I admitted, "But I know you like her too. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...try to kiss her. I wasn't thinking, I'm sorry. I won't do anything else, Honeymaren, I promise."

"No, it's okay, Elsa likes you too. Now that I think about it, you've liked her ever since I have. I just didn't pick up on the clues.  You've been a good friend Y/N, and I thank you for it, but now it's my turn." Honeymaren said, her lips curving up into a smile. 

"What are you saying?" I asked. 

"I don't mind if you two date. You guys would be pretty cute together," Honeymaren said. 

"Are you serious?" I couldn't believe my ears, "Thank you!" Honeymaren laughed and hugged me. 

"Now go to her. She's been trying to get your attention all evening," Honeymaren smiled, giving me a light push. 

I walked back to the campfire, only to discover that dinner had ended and people were getting up and going to their tents. I scanned the area for the platinum blonde, and found her walking towards the ocean, probably thinking that's where I was. 

I ran up to her and grabbed her hips, turning her to me. 

"Y/N? Why have you been avoiding me?" Elsa asked, upset. I pressed my lips firmly against hers, causing the blonde to gasp before kissing me back just as fierce. I moved my lips passionately against hers for a few minutes before breaking away.

"I like you a lot. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I was scared of..." I didn't want to reveal Honeymaren. 

"Honeymaren getting mad at you," Elsa finished, and I nodded in surprise, "I knew Honeymaren liked me, but I only thought of her as a friend." 

"I like you. I like you, I like you! It feels so good to finally say it!" I said, picking up the giggling blonde and spinning her around before crashing our lips together in a mind blowing kiss. She hooked her arms around my waist and pushed me backwards into a tree. 

"Let's go to my tent."

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