16. Scars ⚠️

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⚠️ Mentions & description of suicide ⚠️

I put the bloody blade on the bathroom counter, avoiding looking at myself in the mirror. My parents thought I was a failure because I wouldn't join the sports teams and instead liked to draw. No one liked me at school because they thought I was a nerd and was weird. 

I made a few other cuts, sighing as I felt the familiar numbness set in, masking the emotional pain. 

Elsa's coming over today to work on the History project! Shit, I thought.

I rushed around the house cleaning everything up before digging out bottles of Coke and putting on a fresh loose long sleeve shirt. Gotta look nice for the girl I've had a crush on for five months. 

I heard the doorbell ring as I was taking a sip of Coke. I got up off of the couch and let Elsa in. 

"Hey," I forced a bright smile.

"Hey," Elsa smiled back. 

We were sitting at my dining room table writing our project, eating pizza and drinking Coke when she stopped writing suddenly. I looked up.

"What's on your wrist?" Elsa asked. 

"Nothing," I said, showing her my right arm and lifting the sleeve. 

"Your other wrist." Elsa grabbed my arm before I could do anything and lifted the sleeve. She covered her mouth with her hands and looked at me in shock. 

I withdrew my arm and covered it with my sleeve again, looking away. 

"Y/N," Elsa moved to hug me but I moved my chair out of her reach.

"It's okay," I said, "I'm fine."

"You're not fine," Elsa said, moving closer to me. 

"Yes I am. I've gotten this far without the help of my parents, friends and teachers," I said before realizing what just came out of my mouth. 

"I'm so sorry," Elsa said, "I should've noticed."

"I can hide things really well," I replied. 

"Where are your parents?" 

"Vacation," I said. Elsa got up to wet a washcloth and motioned to my arm. I hesitantly extended my arm for her to wipe up the blood. She then got a longer cloth and tied it around my wrist, effectively making a bandage. 

"Thank you," I said, "But you don't have to pretend like you care."

Elsa knelt down in front of me, "I'm not pretending. I couldn't stand if anything happened to you because-" she took a deep breath "-because I like you."

I stared at her, "Is this a dare? Because it's not funny."

"No, it's not! I really do care about you, and I'm sorry that I didn't reach out before. You've got a bit of a reputation at school, and-"

"You didn't want to be seen around me, I know," I said. 

"I'm sorry Y/N," Elsa whispered. 

"It's fine, I'm used to it," I replied. 

"I'm going to change that." That was the last thing I heard before Elsa's soft lips touched mine. I tensed for a moment, but then started to hesitantly kiss back.

She gently hooked her arms around my neck and brought me closer. I pulled away first, needing to breathe and smiled at her. A genuine smile that I haven't worn in months. 

"I like you too," I breathed. 

She lifted up my sleeve, "Whenever you feel like doing this, call me and I'll come over. Please don't do this to yourself." 

I looked at her, and saw only worry in her eyes, "I will."

Elsa pulled me in for a hug, and I sighed against her neck. 

She kissed me one last time before pulling away. 

"Now we have to finish the stupid history project," she grumbled. 

"Stupid?" I raised an eyebrow, "You love school."

"Yes, I do," Elsa smirked, "But I'd rather be doing things with you."

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