38. Mine

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Request: Elsa wears the reader's clothes, and the reader catches her and finds it adorable.

Elsa POV

"Tonight's shift is only an hour. Hopefully after Christmas I'll get a shift during the day so I won't have to be away so much," Y/N said, going me a quick kiss. Once she was gone to work, I went up to our room and took out her favourite sweater: a simple, dark blue, soft cotton sweater, with a white snowflake in the middle. Every night when Y/N has a work shift, I would put her sweater on and breathe in her sweet scent. It made me miss her less, and the warmth it gave reminded me of her arms around me. I had to take it off before she came home though. I'm not sure how she feels about me wearing her clothes. 

I made myself some hot chocolate and was going to watch some TV until Y/N came home and we could cuddle. But I was starting to get drowsier and drowsier...I shouldn't have eaten so much turkey.


Working as a cashier from 10-11 with sleepy customers with last minute purchases wasn't ideal, but I needed the money to pay for university. Five minutes left until I could go home and curl up beside my girlfriend. I have this customer to deal with first. 

"Hello, I hope you found everything you're looking for," I said, the phrase automatically coming out of my mouth. I started to scan his items.

"Hey Y/N!" I looked up, and my friend Honeymaren's brother grinned at me. We're not close, but I've hung out with Honeymaren enough times to be friendly with her brother. 

"Hey Ryder! Sorry, I'm a bit tired and I didn't see you," I said. We caught up a bit what was going on during the holidays, until he said something that made my blood boil. 

"You know that new girl, Elsa? She's kinda hot," Ryder said, lowering his voice. 

"She's taken," I said sharply. 

"Really? I guess I wouldn't be surprised. Anyone who has that hot of a body gets snatched up pretty quickly. Who's the lucky guy?" Ryder asked. 

"Lucky girl," I corrected, "And that lucky girl is me. So stop saying how hot my girlfriend's body is, don't even think about her ass, and...stay away from her."

"Oh," Ryder's smile vanished, "I'm sorry Y/N, I really didn't know."

"That's okay. But I wouldn't go talking about girls like that. And just remember, Elsa's mine." I finished bagging his stuff, and he walked out the door guiltily. I guess I shouldn't have been so rough on him, but talking about girls as if their body is all they're worth...insulting. I said goodbye to my boss and walked tiredly to my car, drove home, and walked in. 

Elsa was usually awake when I came home, and I wasn't surprised when I heard the TV playing upstairs. I took out a can of Coke from the fridge and headed up. I took a quick shower and changed into shorts and a loose t-shirt. I walked into the room and was met with a surprise: a shirtless Elsa in a bright blue bra shoving something under the blankets. 

"Y/N! she squeaked, her cheeks bright red.

"Hi Elsa," I smirked. I moved to pull back the blankets to see what she was hiding, but she put her hand on top of mine. 

"It's nothing," she said. 

I paused, considering what she might be doing, "Since I'm not here at night I don't mind if you touch yourse-"

"No!" Elsa exclaimed, her cheeks flushing even redder, "I'm not doing that! I'd w-wait for you."

"Then what's under the blanket?" I asked, tugging the material back a couple of centimetres. Elsa hesitated, before letting me bring the blanket back. I saw that my favourite blue sweater was under there, and was confused to why she would hide it. 

"What's wrong with a sweater?" I asked. 

Elsa broke eye contact with me, and talked to the blankets, "You go to work at night and I miss you, so I wear your sweater because it smells like you and it keeps me warm like you do. I just...didn't know how you felt about me wearing your clothes, so I usually take it off before you come up. Except tonight I accidentally fell asleep and only woke up after you got out of the shower, and-well, now we're here."

"I don't mind that you wear my clothes," I said, smoothing out the sweater. 

"Really?" she asked. 

"Nope. It looks nice on you and suits you better anyway. Besides, it reminds people that you're mine," I hummed, placing a kiss on her lips. 

"You have to wear it sometimes or it won't smell like you," Elsa muttered, more to herself than me. 

"I will," I said, sliding into bed behind her. Elsa reached for the sweater again but I pulled it away. 

"Why can't I-"

"Because I like you so much better like this," I said huskily, placing a wet kiss on the back of her neck, eliciting a gasp. My fingers ran up and down her toned stomach causing her to breathe out heavily.

"Y/N, I don't sleep with a bra on," Elsa said, her breath hitching when my hands travelled up to brush the underside of her bust. 

"Even better," I smirked, "Take it off and I'll take it from there."

Elsa x Fem Reader One shots (Requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now