19. Forced

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"Get lost, L/N, hockey isn't for girls," Hans' smooth and ugly voice reached my ears.

"We'll see about that once we beat you," I said. My team The Tigers was going up against Blades Of Fury. Unfortunately, there are a lot of sexist boys on that team. 

I glanced up at the bleachers and my breath hitched when I saw gorgeous blue eyes already looking at me. Elsa, the smartest, most popular, most gorgeous in school, who was also dating the most popular, ugliest, stupidest guy in school. Know who I'm talking about?

The platinum blonde gave me a smile, and my lips curved up as well. I didn't know her that well, I only had her in a few of my classes, and we couldn't talk that much because of her possessive boyfriend Hans, but I had a bit of a thing for blondes. Especially platinum blondes. 

"Stay away from my girlfriend," Hans' snarled. I shrugged at him, knowing it would anger him even more. 

I skated over to my team and they came closer. 

"Alright guys, these boys think they're so good, and we're gonna show them otherwise. They're arrogant, which we can use to our advantage. But they're also rough, so be careful. We're going to win this, let's show those boys who's boss!" 


I skated over to the centre of the rink, my stick out. I tried not to look at Hans' ugly face sneering at me. My eyes flicked to the bleachers, and met with a pair of gorgeous blue eyes again. 

The puck dropped and I flicked my wrist, sending it to my right winger, Addison. The game had begun.


I had finished changing and high fixing everyone, and my roller bag was behind me.  We had won, 9-2, and I was ecstatic. It was wonderful wiping that arrogant smirk off Hans' face. 

"Good job Y/N!" Elsa walked up to me. 

"Thank you," I smiled, "Your boyfriend's team did good too." She frowned a bit when I said boyfriend, but didn't say anything. 

"Do you want to maybe get lunch or something?"

"Yeah," Elsa said excitedly, "That'd be gre-"

"Elsa, come on," Hans said. He was surrounded by his hockey friends who kept on staring at Elsa's ass. All boys were the same. 

Elsa turned around, "I want to go with Y/N."

"Too bad, your parents want you to go with me," Hans growled, and took Elsa's hand roughly. I watched as Elsa followed Hans to his car. 

I sighed and opened the trunk to my car and put my bag in. I looked back at Hans and he was pushing Elsa against the hood of his car and making out with her, while his friends cheered. I looked away in disgust. 

"Hans, stop," Elsa said, and I looked back. He had moved to her neck now, but Elsa's hands were on his shoulders trying to push him back. 

I walked over, "I don't know if your small brain heard, but she said stop."

Hans broke away from Elsa, and she wrapped her arms around me.

"You choose this dyke over me?" Hans spat, and moved closer. I stood in front of Elsa, and glared at him. 

"You wanna call me that one more time?" 

"Sure," Hans smirked, and waved his friends over, "Move and give me Elsa, or I'll have them beat you up and still get her."

"What, you can't take me by yourself?" I scoffed. Hans let out a growl and lunged at me. I avoided his punch, and I slugged him in he stomach. Before he collapsed, he wrapped his disgusting hands around my neck and started to put pressure. 

This guy is insane, I panicked. He crawled on top of me and his sadistic grin made me squirm. I used my feet and kicked his crotch, and he fell on top of me. I shoved his pathetic figure off of me, and his friends came up and shoved me against the wall. 

"Stop!" Elsa's voice made me lower my fist, "I'm not dating you anymore Hans, we're over."

Elsa went over to me and asked where my car was. His friends were too in shock to come after us. 

"Your parents aren't going to be very happy," Hans called after Elsa, but she ignored him. 

"Can you drive me home?" Elsa asked me. I was too shocked but to do anything but nod. She got in the front seat of my car and gave me her address. I drove her home and helped her out of the car. 

I was about to get back into the car and drive myself home, when her voice stopped me.

"Where are you going?"

"Um, back home?" I said it more like a question. 

"You're bleeding. Come inside and I'll get you a bandage before you go," Elsa said, standing in the doorway. 

I closed my car door and followed her into her huge house. 

"You can sit here if you want," Elsa said, motioning to a couch. I sat down and looked around the room. I knew Elsa was wealthy but she had expensive curtains, carpets, couches, lamps...wow. 

She came back with a glass of Coke and a wet cloth. Elsa sat down next to me, and she was so close I could smell her wintry scent. 

"Hold still," she said softly, before taking the cloth and cleaning the small, but many cuts on my face. 

"Can I ask you something?" I asked, and Elsa nodded. 

"What did Hans mean by your parents won't be happy that you're not dating him anymore?" 

Elsa sighed, "My parents are very successful in their business, and they wanted me to date someone of another successful family."

"And so they chose Hans," I said.

"Yeah. But I don't like him very much. I was sort of forced to get into a relationship with him. He's rude and mean and arrogant," Elsa wrinkled her nose in disgust. 

"Has he hurt you?" I asked immediately.

"Oh no, but he's not a very nice person," Elsa said. 

"And what would you consider a nice person," I asked coyly. 

"Well...someone like you," she said, turning my head again to dab at another cut. Whether she did that to actually wipe blood off my cheek or to hide her embarrassment, I don't know. But I suspect it was the latter. 

"Really," I brought her hand down from my face and put our hands in my lap.

"Yeah," Elsa said, subconsciously entwining our fingers. 

"Hmm," I hummed, my eyes flicking down to her lips. I looked back to her eyes for permission, but she was looking at my lips. 

Concealing a smile, I gently pushed her shoulders back against the couch and leaned in, capturing her lips in a kiss. When I moved to pull away, I felt her arms around my torso pulling me back in. 

I smiled against her lips, and moved my hands to cup her face. I felt her hands tangle in my hair, tugging slightly.  

I felt her tongue slip between my lips, and an electric feeling coursed through my body as our tongues touched. We fought for dominance, and I eventually won, exploring her mouth. 

Elsa pulled away first, a heavy blush coating her cheeks. 

I smiled at her, "You're quite the kisser."

"Thanks," Elsa said shyly. It was so cute, "That was my first time."

"Really," I asked, surprised. I had thought with Hans she would've kissed him at some point. 

"Yeah. I didn't really want to kiss Hans so I always made some excuse that I wasn't ready," Elsa said. 

"Hmm, smart. Also, let's stop talking about him," I said, my eyes glued to her lips. 

"Good idea," Elsa said, before connecting our lips in another sweet kiss. 

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