23. Blushing

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"Alright, pull out your books and turn to page 394," Mr. Weselton said, walking to the front of the classroom. 

"Today, we are going to be learning about the human anatomy. So far, have studied..." His voice was so boring. I already knew half the stuff he taught us anyway. I smirked, knowing one way I could have fun with this class. I leaned over to my girlfriend's desk, who was dutifully listening to every word Mr. Weselton was saying.

"We already know all this. We've had lots of experience with human anatomy," I winked at the platinum blonde, causing her to blush furiously. It was so fun to see her get flustered; she was so cute.  I was known for being confident, flirtatious, popular, and always making people laugh. Those qualities often made Elsa blush.

"Miss Arendelle, is something wrong? You seem a bit..."

"Bothered?" I finished for the teacher. Elsa seemed to flush even more.

"Well I don't know, it's really hot in here," Elsa said hastily, digging her water bottle out of her bag. Mr. Weselton nodded, and continued to teach. 

"It's really hot because I'm here," I said, and Elsa drank her water even quicker. 

"You know, I think you-"

"Miss Y/N," Mr. Weselton's voice startled me, and I fell off of Elsa's desk, hitting my head on the corner. 

"Yes?" I said. 

"Stop talking to Miss Arendelle and pay attention. When you come back from the nurse's office, you will be finishing my Powerpoint presentation for the organs," he snapped. 

I grinned, "As you wish, Mr. Weaselton."


"Alright, so this here is the brain," I said pointing to the pink scribble, "I'm pretty sure you all know what a brain is, and if you don't, then you obviously are lacking one!" The class laughed, but Mr. Weselton frowned at me. 

"These are lungs. They help you breathe, and if you are doing...physical activities then you will breathe faster and harder," I winked at Elsa, and she choked on her water. 

"This is a kidney," I said, pointing to the maroon thing near the stomach, "I have no idea what it does, but it has a bean named after it!" The class laughed, and Mr. Weselton buried his face in his hands. I think he was regretting making teach the class. 

"Oh, my favourite part! This is a six pack, or abs, whatever you want to call them. It's the abdominal muscle that many girls find attractive. In fact, I can give you a demonstration!" I lifted up my shirt, exposing my toned stomach and pointed. While the class stared at my stomach, and I shot a wink at Elsa who turned even redder. But she wasn't looking away. 

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6! The complete set, isn't that great?" I grinned, pointing to my muscles. 

"Alright, Y/N, that's enough," Mr. Weselton said.

"But sir, I haven't finished,-" I said, a broad smile on my lips. 

"Doesn't matter," he snapped, "You have detention tomorrow at lunch. Class dismissed." 

Despite the looming detention tomorrow, I had a huge smile on my face. I high fived a bunch of people on my way to Elsa. People congratulated me on the best biology lesson they've had. 

"Hey baby," I said, sliding my arm around my flushing girlfriend's waist. 

"Hey," she said softly. I laughed at her face before leaning in and giving her a gentle kiss. 

"Let's go eat lunch." I walked with her to the cafeteria and sat down with a bunch of friends. 

"Great lesson," Ryder said with a grin.

"It was...interesting," Honeymaren said, "But much better than Weselton's normal lessons." 

"How did you like Y/N's teaching, Elsa?" Anna asked Elsa.

"Oh, it was very amusing," Elsa said, her voice a little higher than normal. 

"Especially the end," I smirked, and Elsa flushed. She looked so red right now, it was hilarious. I decided to stop teasing her though, so I didn't say anything suggestive to her for a while. 

Just before the end of lunch, I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked at Elsa, who was still talking to Honeymaren and pretend nothing was happening under the table. But when her hand went higher, I let out a yelp. 

"Are you okay?" Ryder frowned. 

"Yeah, yeah," I said, coughing. I saw Elsa smirking, as she continued to brush her hand up and down my thigh, each time going higher up. 

"What are you doing," I whispered to the blonde. 

"Doing what you did to me," Elsa whispered back. The lunch bell rang just as Elsa's hand was about to reach the apex of my thighs, and I jumped from my seat and was about to run to class when an a hand on my arm stopped me. 

"Not going to give me a kiss?" Elsa asked innocently. 

"Um, right. Of course not," I muttered, leaning in to give her a what was supposed to be a quick kiss, but she moved her hand to my neck, keeping our lips locked. 

"Byeeee lovebirds," Anna sang. We kept kissing for what felt like eternity, before she pulled away. She dragged me outside to the side of the school, slamming me against the wall and kissing me roughly. 

I couldn't help but smile; Elsa is never usually this assertive. I decided to kiss her back just as passionately, our lips moving in a fiery dance. Elsa moved to my neck, sucking and biting and leaving purple love bites there. When her hands started to travel up my shirt, I pulled away.

"Let's go home," Elsa whispered. 

"And ditch school?" I raised my eyebrows. She would never ditch school. I am learning a lot of things about Elsa today. 

"Yup," she said, taking my hand and dragging me to my car. 


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