25. Goodbye Kiss

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A/N: Not sure how to put a warning for this one but...

⚠️ Shooting, blood, murderer...you die ⚠️

It was just announced that every needed to evacuate the school and field, as there was a shooter. I dashed off of the soccer field in my sweaty jersey and ran to find Elsa.

I scanned the bleachers but couldn't find her there. I pushed through panicking students and parents, searching for my girlfriend. I ran towards the parking lot and saw that her car was still there.

"Elsa!" I shouted.

"Y/N!" Elsa ran over to me and gave me a tight hug, "Do you know where Anna is? I've texted her but she's not answering."

I wiped a tear from her cheek, "It's okay. She's probably still here. I'll check the school."

"No! That's where the shooter probably is," Elsa protested, but I just kissed her firmly before sprinting towards the building. I could hear Elsa's cries for me, but I didn't look back. I had to find her sister, the most important person to her.

I ran silently through the school, not daring to call out in case the shooter was here. I checked classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, labs, and the cafeteria, but Anna wasn't there.

I shot her a quick text.

Me: Where are you? Elsa and I are really worried.

Ginger Sister 🧡: I'm okay. I'm with Elsa right now. Where are you?

I sighed in relief, Good, she's with Elsa.

Me: I was in the school looking for you. I'm coming now

I felt the phone buzz with another text but I couldn't answer it because I saw something move from the corner of my eye. I drew my pocketknife, knowing that it wouldn't be of any use against a gun, but I felt a little safer with it.

Hans emerged from the shadows, and a wave of relief washed over me.

"Oh, it's just you," I smiled, "Come on, we need to get out of here."

"You're the only one who needs to get out of here," Hans smiled, and something about that made me feel uneasy.

"You don't understand, there's a shooter somewhere, we need to get out of here!" I said hurriedly.

"I know." Hans said calmly. He raised his hand and I saw a flash of black before a gunshot. I stared at him in shock before collapsing to the ground. I couldn't feel any pain, but the growing puddle of blood around my stomach told me that it was bad.

"I shot a lot of people, but I was hoping to get you. I hope Elsa and Anna find you," Hans smirked, and kicked me before walking away.

As I lay on the floor bleeding out, I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

Ginger Sister 🧡: Get out of that school. Hans is the shooter and he's in there. I only narrowly avoided him.

Elsa ❤️❤️: Where are you? Anna's with me, come back. Please answer, I'm getting worried.

Too late now, I thought. I didn't call 911 first because I knew that it wouldn't help. I would be gone before they go here. I called the one person who's voice I wanted to hear.

"Y/N! Thank goodness you're alright! Where are you?" Elsa's relieved, panicked, but sweet voice filled my ears, and I smiled.

"Hey," I said weakly.

"Y/N? What's wrong, where are you?" she asked.

"I love you," I said softly.

"Y/N?! Where are you?" I could hear that she was crying now. The phone fell from my hands and I was too tired to pick it back up.

I heard Elsa burst into the school with Anna right behind her, and the ginger gasped when she saw me on the floor.

"Y/N," Elsa sobbed, running over and crouching down next to me.

"Hey," I murmured, sitting up so I could look at her better.

"It's okay," Elsa said, holding my cold hand, "It's okay. The police and ambulance are on their way already. You're going to be fine."

I gazed at her affectionately, "You're beautiful, you know that right?" Elsa didn't answer, frantically pulling off her jacket and pressing it against the gunshot wound. I put my hands on top of hers, stopping her movements.

"It's okay," I whispered, and tears streamed down her face. She shook her head, and went back to trying to staunch the blood flow.

"Do I get a goodbye kiss?" I asked. Elsa shook her head, knowing that if she kissed me goodbye that would be admitting that I was dying.

"Kiss me," I said softly, "Please." Elsa looked at me, and I wiped the tears from her cheeks. She leaned down shakily and pressed her lips against mine. I kissed her deeply, relishing in our last kiss. I poured everything I had into it, and I knew Elsa was doing the same. She pulled away, and I smiled softly at her.

"I love you Elsa."

Elsa sobbed wrapping her arms around me, "I love you too Y/N." I moved my arm to around her waist and closed my eyes. Even though I was bleeding out, I was content in Elsa's arms.

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