21. Drunk

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Elsa and I had gone to a party to celebrate the success of the soccer game. I knew Elsa wasn't really into parties, but she had decided to go for me. However, it was starting to get a little rowdy, drug deals were going on, and people were drinking way too much. Someone had called the police a few minutes ago and they would be here soon. 

When the party first started off, I had a couple of sweet dances with the platinum blonde, but she went off to say hi to a girl named Honeymaren, and I hadn't seen her since. 

I was walking through the house, desperately trying to find my girlfriend to bring her home and not get arrested. She didn't drink very much but I knew she was a lightweight drinker. 

I walked into the backyard and saw Elsa with a bottle of vodka in her hand. She was stumbling around, and took off her jacket. I saw a crowd of horny teenage boys coming to watch her strip. I grabbed her hand before she could finish unbuttoning her shirt. Her blue bra was in view, but I couldn't enjoy the sight.

"Sorry, but we have to get going," I said to the annoyed boys, angry that they wouldn't have an image to jerk off to that night. 

"You're for my eyes only," I muttered to myself. Elsa was struggling to keep up with me, and I slowed my pace. 

"Are you okay?" I asked her. 

"Yeah," the platinum blonde giggled, almost falling over. 

"How much did you have to drink," I asked.

"I don't know..." Elsa slurred, "More than one!" I laughed despite myself. 

"I'm going to take you to my place. Your parents won't be too happy with you showing up drunk back home. I'll call them and say you fell asleep here doing homework," I said, leading her to my car. 

I suddenly heard police sirens very close, and I ran into the nearby woods, tugging Elsa with me.

"Where are we going," Elsa slurred.

"Shhh! We can't get arrested, we'll lose our scholarships," I whispered. Elsa leaned against a tree, and I buttoned her shirt back up and waited for the police to leave. 

"You know, you're really cute," Elsa giggled. 

"Thanks," I said with a smile. 

"Too bad I have a girlfriend," she hiccuped, "She's the best. She's so kind, and beautiful, and smart, and she loves me. And I love her."

"Your girlfriend is the luckiest person on earth," I said. I saw the coast was clear, and I picked Elsa up and carried her to the car, putting her in the front seat. I saw her fiddling with the seat belt and I buckled her in, before starting the ignition and driving home. 

When the traffic light turned red, I turned to look at Elsa, "How are you feeling, baby?"

Elsa frowned, "You shouldn't call me that. My girlfriend wouldn't be too happy." 

I chuckled, "I'm sure she wouldn't." Once we arrived, I helped her out of the car and led her into my house. 

"This is my girlfriend's house!" Elsa exclaimed excitedly, "Y/N, Are you home?" I concealed a laugh.

"She's not here right now, she told me to get you to bed," I said, and Elsa followed me up the stairs. I dug out some clothes from my dresser and put them on the bed. 

"I'm never letting you get drunk again," I said, moving closer to Elsa. I wrapped my arms around her waist and was about to kiss her when she pushed me away. 

"NO! No. You're really pretty but I have a girlfriend," Elsa said, sliding out of my arms. I tried to move closer to her, but she just backed away. 

"Okay," I said, "I'll go get her for you." I walked out of the room, grabbing some clothes. I changed into a t-shirt and shorts and filled a glass of water for Elsa. I waited in the hall for a few minutes before walking back into the room. 

"Elsa," I said cautiously.

"Y/N!" Elsa jumped into my arms and knocked me to the floor, giggling. I put the glass of water on the desk. 

"Let's get you ready for bed," I said, sitting up. She pulled me closer to her and kissed me fiercely. Her lips were moving roughly against mine and I was enjoying every moment of it, but when her tongue ran along my bottom lip I pulled away. 

"Not tonight," I breathed. 

"Why," Elsa whined.

"Because you're drunk." I helped her out of her shirt and pants, and went to get the clothes off the bed. 

I jumped when I felt Elsa's arm around my torso and stopped her hand when it tried to take off my shirt. 

"Not right now. Tomorrow if you're up for it," I promised. 

"Up for it?" Elsa slurred.

"You're going to have a nice hangover," I replied. She got dressed, with kisses in between, and I gave her the glass of water and told her to drink it all.

I pulled the covers back and slid into bed, opening my arms for the platinum blonde to settle in between. 

My arms settled around Elsa's waist and she nestled her head into my neck. I kissed the crown of  her head, breathing in her wonderful scent, and traced patterns on her back. 

"I love you Y/N," Elsa mumbled drowsily, snuggling impossibly closer to me. 

"I love you too Elsa."

Next Morning

I woke up pretty early and couldn't go back to sleep. I busied myself with admiring the platinum blonde in my arms and stroking her hair. She woke up two hours after, and stared at me. 

"You're so pretty," she mumbled. 

"Not as pretty as you," I said, giving her a light kiss, "Does your head hurt?"

"No, I don't really get hangovers," Elsa said. 

"Lucky you," I said, "My hangovers suck."

"How was I last night? Did I do anything?" Elsa asked.

"Well, you were going to strip in front a bunch of horny boys until I dragged you out of there, and you didn't recognize me for the most of last night," I said, laughing at the expression on her face.

Elsa groaned, "Did I say anything weird?"

"A bit. But don't worry, I love you even more because of it," I said, pulling the confused but happy girl closer to me and giving her a kiss. It began to get more heated when I moved to her neck, biting and sucking at the skin there. 

"Y/N, please," Elsa moaned, trying to move my head lower. 

I smirked, "Don't worry, I promised you that since you were drunk yesterday we'd do it today. Enjoy the ride, baby."

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