32. Ride

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Request: Reader is a soldier who has a pet dragon. Elsa is afraid of flying, so the reader helps her overcome her fears. 

"Training is over. I expect you to to be awake and ready for training at 5:30 tomorrow morning. Dismissed." 

I walked away with the others, when the Captain called me back again, "Y/N, just wait for a moment." I obediently stayed behind, waiting for the other soldiers to go home. I hoped I wasn't in trouble, the last thing I needed was for Elsa to have to bail me out. She wouldn't be happy. 

"You're doing marvellous, Y/N. Your effort and work ethic clearly shows, so I'll be giving you a day off tomorrow," the Captain said. 

I couldn't contain my smile, "Thank you so much, sir. I'll use the day well."

"I'm sure you will," he chuckled, "Queen Elsa is looking forward to it as well." I flushed, and the Captain had a hint of a smirk. It was well known that Elsa and I were dating, and I got teased a lot. 

"Right," I muttered. I waved goodbye, and headed into the castle. 

After a delicious supper, I followed Elsa into her room where she wanted to relax in the bath and cuddle. Though that sounded like an amazing plan, I had a better one. 

"Let's go outside," I said, "A nice walk under the stars."

"What are you planning?" Elsa asked suspiciously. 

"My Queen has had a hard day, I want her to relax," I said, pressing my lips slowly to the platinum blonde's. She kissed back, and I convinced her to take my hand. I took her to the edge of Arendelle, where the forest was. 

"Are we allowed to be here this late?" Elsa asked nervously.

"You're the Queen," I scoffed, "You can do whatever you want. I want you to meet someone." I whistled a four note tune, and waited for him to come. 

"If we get killed, it's your fault," Elsa said jokingly, but there was a hint of nervousness in her voice. 

"We won't. He's gentle, he won't hurt you." Just after I said that, a magnificent blue dragon crawled over to where Elsa and I were. His brilliant blue eyes were trained warily on the platinum blonde, having never seen her before. 

"It's okay, Hunter, this is Elsa. I've told you about her," I said soothingly, petting his nose. 

"What is that?" a terrified Elsa asked.

"It's a dragon, darling," I replied, still stroking Hunter's nose. The dragon closed his eyes in content, and pushed his nose further into my hand. 

"Do you wanna go for a ride?" I grinned mischievously. 

"No!" Elsa exclaimed, "I'm not getting on that...that...dragon." Hunter growled, and I immediately stood in front of Elsa.

"She's not offending you, Hunter. Settle down," I said firmly. The dragon glared at Elsa before reluctantly sitting down, his eyes never leaving us. 

"Is my Ice Queen scared of a little fire," I teased.

"I..." Elsa trailed off. My grin vanished, and I wrapped my arms around her waist, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"If you don't wanna ride him, that's okay. I was scared of him at first, but then I slowly got to know him better, and he's really sweet. Just like you. Scary at first, but then you get to see the sweet side to him," I said, rubbing her sides.

"You thought I was scary?" Elsa raised an eyebrow.

"Well...sorta? You were this Queen who never came out of the castle, known as being distant, and then you kinda froze Arendelle. A bit scary. But I got to know you, and you let me in. I love you, and I won't force you to do anything you don't wanna do. If you face your fears, you'll know he gives one hell of a ride," I said. 

"Will it be a better ride than what you give me?" she smirked suggestively, and I flushed.

"Well...I don't know. My rides are pretty good, aren't they," I winked. Now is was her turn to turn red. My grin turned into a reassuring smile, and I held out my hand for Elsa to take. I pulled her close to me, and her breath hitched. I planted a slow, comforting kiss to her perfect lips, before hoisting her up onto Hunter. I climbed on after and sat behind my girlfriend, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Is this okay?" I asked, kissing her neck. 

"Yes," she said. I patted Hunter's thigh, signalling for him to fly. He got up and spread his wings, fire flaring from his nostrils. Elsa's knuckles were turning white from how tightly she was gripping the dragon's scales. I put one of my hands on top of hers, and Elsa smiled. Hunter took off, and my arms tightened around Elsa's waist, not wanting her to feel unsafe. 

"How long have you know him for?" Elsa asked.

"A couple of weeks, but he trusted me easily. I wanted to tell you, but I was busy with training and you were busy with being Queen," I explained. We rose into the sky, over Arendelle, past the fjord, and into the stars. I could tell Elsa was in awe and was starting to lose her nervousness, so I loosened my hold on her. 

"This is beautiful, Y/N," she breathed. I smiled softly at the expression of wonder on her face, and I couldn't help but give her a kiss. Elsa shifted carefully on Hunter to get a better angle. I moved my hand to her face, and she wrapped her arms around my neck. 

"Thank you for bringing me, and convincing me to come on Hunter. This is a beautiful ride," Elsa said. 

"You're welcome," I smiled.

"But," Elsa grinned mischievously, "You're going to give me a much better ride when we get back, aren't you?"

I grinned, "Of course."

Elsa x Fem Reader One shots (Requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now