Chapter 2

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(Third P.O.V)

The bell rung meaning class was dismissed. Taehyung said his goodbyes to Bogum and walked over to Jeongguk.

"Kookie", Taehyung said wanting to get Jeongguk's attention.

Jeongguk however, didn't bother to look at him and continued putting away his books.

"What's wrong, Kookie? Are you mad at me?", Taehyung questioned feeling a tad guilty.

Jeongguk still hadn't answered and started walking out of the classroom. Taehyung just followed him like a lost puppy, tapping and hitting him lightly.

Nothing seemed to get Jeongguk to talk to him so he gave up for the time being. Jeongguk clearly needed space.

Taehyung stopped following his best friend, headed the opposite direction and went to go find Hoseok.

(Taehyung's P.O.V)

I texted Hoseok to meet me in front of Mr. Lee's classroom. We had about 15 minutes left before our next class started.

When I got there, turns out that Hoseok had made it before me.

"What's wrong Tae? Why the long face? Need a hug?", Hoseok said spreading his arms.

I needed one so I hugged him tightly while crying.

"Jeongguk's mad at me and I don't know what I did wrong", I said with a saddened expression breaking the hug.

"Let him cool down. Talk to him when he's relaxed. That would be the best thing to do", Hoseok suggested.

"Yeah, I'll try that", I said.

Hoseok smiled at me but then his expression changed to a more confused one.

"What's wrong?", I asked.

"Look. People are heading outside with their camera open. What's the fuss this time? Let's go check it out", Hoseok said and dragged me with him outside.

I couldn't really see what was going on due to the huge crowd surrounding the people that were fighting but curiosity got the best of me so I made my way to the front of the crowd.

My eyes widened. J-Jeongguk? He was fighting with two guys. The other two couldn't get a hit on him no matter how many punches they tried throwing at him.

"I DARE YOU!! I FUCKING DARE YOU TO TALK ABOUT TAEHYUNG LIKE THAT AGAIN!!", Jeongguk yelled while pushing both of the guys to the floor.

What?... Were they talking bad about me? He got in a fight for me?...

Tears started running down my cheeks.

Just then, Jeongguk stormed out of the scene and I followed him.

"Jeongguk!!", I yelled.

He turned around looking at me with a shocked face.

(Jeongguk's P.O.V before the fight)

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