Chapter 21

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(Taehyung's P.O.V)

When I got home, I rushed upstairs, opened the door to our bedroom and saw him with his suitcase in hand.

Don't tell me he's actually leaving. Not like it matters. I'm not letting him leave.

We then made eye contact.

"What do you think you're doing?!", I asked, with tears still rolling down my cheeks.

"I'm leaving", he replied with teary eyes.

"Please don't"

"Why not? We're not friends anymore. You told me to forget you. What's the point in staying, anyways?",  he said, wiping away his tears.

"I was angry! I said that because it hurt. How would you feel if the guy you fell in love with, told you he wanted to get rid of the feelings he has for you? Wouldn't you feel worthless? As if it's a sin to be liked? Before dismissal, Yoongi told me that you did all that with me to test your feelings. That it helped strengthen them. The reason behind it is because you were afraid that if we were to date, we'd end up breaking up due to you falling out of love. You didn't want me to get hurt. You did it for me. I didn't know and I felt used for your own desires so I said I didn't want to continue being friends. Jimin then said he saw you leave school an hour ago and that you'd use that opportunity to pack your things and leave. I left as soon as I heard that because I was terrified that I might not make it in time. I'm glad I did, though. I was being selfish and wasn't thinking about how you might feel earlier today. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Let us go back to being best friends", I said, approaching him bit by bit.

Jeongguk just stayed there, not saying a single word.

I don't think it's working. Not like I have the right to complain. It's my fault.

"Sorry if I'm making you feel uncomfortable. This wouldn't be happening if it weren't for what I said. I'm not making it any better, am I? I thought that if I made it in time, I could change your mind but it doesn't seem to be working. I, uh.. Thank You! Thank you so much for everything. The hugs. The couple pet names. The kisses. The make out sessions. The fun times. The little arguments we had and so on. I'll remember them always. If one day you find yourself hopeless in life, I want you to remember our times together. I.. I Love You", I said, looking at him in the eyes.

He smiled.

"I always loved how understanding you are. I also hope you do the same when you find yourself hopeless. One more thing. I Love You, too. Goodbye, love", he said, giving me a kiss on the forehead. Then, he left with his suitcase in hand.

I fell on my knees right after.

I couldn't do it. I let him leave,... but I'll still see him at school. Maybe I can try and talk to him. I can fix this!

-Time Skip To The Next Day

(Third P.O.V)


'I can't fix this...', Taehyung thought.

"Jimin.. t-the damage I caused was s-simply too much. I t-tried talking it out with him but I f-failed. He l-left", Taehyung bursted out crying.

'I hate this!! It fucking hurts!! I'd rather be stabbed than deal with this horrible feeling', Taehyung thought.

"Tae, you idiot! How could you let him leave?! You should have gone after him! Not only did you lose your first love but we also lost our friend!", Yoongi said, full on frustrated walking back and forth.

Namjoon then caught up to them, exhausted from running.

"Guys.. Jeongguk is in... the office. Hurry Taehyung. You probably won't... get another chance... to make things right", Namjoon said panting.

No more words were wasted. Taehyung was already running, making his way to the office as fast as possible.

When he got there, he looked around but didn't see him so he asked one of the staff members, "Excuse me, wasn't Jeongguk here?"

"You just missed him. He left a few seconds ago. He should already be out", she said.

Taehyung left the office and ran outside, to the front of the school building.

He then spotted Jeongguk opening the car's door to get in.

"JEONGGUK!", Taehyung yelled.

Jeongguk turned around and saw Taehyung but he didn't even get the chance to say anything because Taehyung was already hugging him very tightly.

"Don't go! Don't Go! Don't Go! Don't Go! Don't Go! I can be quite understanding sometimes and agree to let people be and give them the personal space they want but I can't do that with you. You're special and I don't want to lose you! So even if you don't want to live with me anymore, don't leave the school. I Love You way too much to let that happen. What do you think will become of me if you were to disappear?! I wouldn't be able to bear it! Don't Leave Me Please! Can't you see that I need you here?", Taehyung said, not letting go of Jeongguk.

"Why do you do this?! I'm leaving for the sake of both of us. Yes, I know it's stupid to leave the school and my friends behind because of what happened between us two but I won't be able to handle hanging out with them and you after what happened. You wanted me to forget and that's what I'm trying to do here. I'm only doing this to help your wish come true. So, let go of me and let me leave", Jeongguk said, not finding the force to push him off. How could he? For the most part, he wants to stay.

"NO!! I told you it was a mistake, didn't I?! Get that through your thick skull! You forgetting and leaving me is most certainty not my wish. What I want more than anything in this world is to be with you. If you can, make that happen. I'm not letting you go. Come back home with me. If you don't want to date or be Best Friends again, then that's fine but let's at least be good friends", Taehyung said.

Jeongguk was crying. He felt happy but still broken on the inside. He didn't know what he wanted. Nothing made sense. All he can think is, 'It's my fault it turned out this way.'

"Even if it's for a brief moment, I want to be able to hold you one last time before I go. Please", Jeongguk said in a craving way.

"Do you really want to leave me?", Taehyung asked, breaking the hug and looking straight at Jeongguk.

Jeongguk looked away, muttering a 'no'.

"Then?! Put all that behind us! You messed up but so did I! Right now, I'm fighting for the both of us. Don't let all my efforts go to waste. I'm trying my best to make you stay so cooperate with me. Don't say you're doing it for both of us when we both know that you want to stay with me just as much as I want to stay with you", Taehyung said, holding Jeongguk's hand.

"Tae, I want to but it's not that easy for me to just go back. I still feel guilty for everyth-"

"You were doing it for me!! Heck, you even wanted to forget your feelings because you didn't think of yourself as someone worthy of me but you really are. Look, let's start off as friends. Just friends and see where it takes us, alright?", Taehyung said.

"That.... sounds nice, actually. I'd like that"


(To Be Continued)

(A/N: Damn. The 'friendship' they once had is long gone. Now, they must start all over from scratch. Beginning with being only friends. They can't just go back to being how they used to be after all of that. The story would be going too fast and not making much sense. Slow and steady guys. One must regain the trust and love from someone, starting from level one. I wonder what destiny has in store for them)

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