Chapter 28

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"Would you like to put your theory to the test? I'll gladly show you who's the one that doesn't know what they're talking about"

(A/N: This chapter may be a bit boring for some readers out there since it has to do with Football positions and stuff. You're free to skip if you want)

(Third P.O.V)

"Are you hearing yourself now? Who are you?", Dongjin asked.

"Name's Jeon Jeongguk. The captain of Bangtan High's football team", Jeongguk introduced himself.

(A/N: Such creativity. Bruh, I still think I could have made a better name but it's too late. My originality flew out the window. Oof)

"So, you're the famous Jeongguk? What are you even doing at this school? Piss off and mind your own business along with your gay ass", Dongjin said, not giving a fuck.

"The hell do you know if I'm gay or not? Why are you even bringing sexuality into this? Or do you just call everyone that? Even if I were, I'd definitely still be able to attract more girls in life than you could ever hope for as a straight guy", Jeongguk said, shrugging.

"Leave", Dongjin said, grabbing Jeongguk by the shirt.

"We were just talking, man. No need to be so aggressive. Why don't we have a 'friendly' mini game? The other team you played against with just now left to who knows where. Let's divide your team. We each get five. I'm only suggesting this to show you that you could use some improvements when it comes to teamwork and being a captain. How does that sound?", Jeongguk said.

"Why should I even bother? You're only gonna embarrass yourself while playing, anyways", Dongjin said.

"You piss me off, did you know? At least when I act cocky, I do it because the person in front of me isn't worthy of respect. The word captain and you don't even sound good together", Jeongguk said, scoffing.

"Bring it", Dongjin said.


"I'll show you that you're wrong. Let's play", Dongjin said, looking at Jeongguk seriously.

"Fine. Go ahead and pick your five players", Jeongguk told him.

Dongjin looked at his teammates carefully and then picked his players.

"There. I'm done"

"Thirty minutes of practice, alright? I would like to get to know my teammates better. Come on, guys. Let's go to the end of the field over there", Jeongguk said, pointing at the direction.

The five boys nodded and walked away with Jeongguk. They were actually excited to see how it was like to play with the Jeon Jeongguk.

"Okay! Let's introduce ourselves. Feel free to call me Jeongguk", Jeongguk said smiling.

"Hey. Call me Kyung-Tae. If you'd like, you can call me Kyung or Tae for short", the boy with brown hair introduced first.

"I'll stick with Kyung", Jeongguk said.

"You're one of the first few to call me by that one. Most people call me Tae", Kyung-Tae said.

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