Chapter 39

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(Third P.O.V)

"Jeongguk. Did you forget about our game this Wednesday?", Jackson asked.

"No. I practiced yesterday at home. Why do you ask?", Jeongguk said.

"Coach says that the whole team should stay after school for an hour or two. That includes today and tomorrow. You just got back and the team isn't doing that great. The game is in two days!", Jackson stated.

Jeongguk nodded his head. His mind then thought of Taehyung and how he's a cheerleader.

'It's been a long time since I saw him crossdress', he thought.

"Will the cheerleaders be practicing with us as well?", Jeongguk asked.

"I'm not sure but I'm assuming that they are since they rarely get the chance to practice. Wait, are you asking because of Taehyung?", Jackson said while Jeongguk just smiled sheepishly as an answer.

"You're so whipped, Jeongguk. Anyway, you better come to practice after school today!", Jackson said before heading towards class.



Jimin turned around and saw Jennie running up to him.

"Oh, hey Jenn! What's up?", Jimin said with a smile.

"Nothing much. Tae announced that we have to stay after school for today and tomorrow", Jennie said.

"Really? Why is that?", Jimin asked.

"Well, the game is on Wednesday. You also missed a practice so it'd be best if you came. We're a bit behind but that's only because we're missing the ending choreo routine", she stated.

"Oh, right! How could I forget? My boyfriend is in the football team", Jimin awkwardly laughed.

"I forgot myself. No biggie. So, I'll see you at practice?", she said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, definitely", Jimin answered.

"Well, I'll see ya later Minnie!", Jennie said, waving off.


"Time out please", BamBam called out panting as the coach blew a whistle.

"Well played you all", the coach says.

The rest of the team were either drinking water or wiping away the sweat from their body with a towel.

"I thought you guys told me that the team wasn't doing good", Jeongguk said, pouring half of his water on top of himself to stay fresh and cool.

"Who said that the team wasn't doing good?", the coach asked unamused. Everyone pointed at Jackson.

"Ya'll traitors. I only said that to get Jeongguk to come. We also needed some practice with him", Jackson said, laughing nervously.

"Forget about who lied and who didn't. The point is, we're gonna see the cheerleaders in action. How much you wanna bet that ours are better than the ones in that other school we're competing with?", another teammate says.

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