Chapter 14

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(Taehyung's P.O.V)

"Jimin, look!! LOOK!", I exclaimed as I pointed at a store that caught my attention.

From, the outside, you could see all the shorts, skirts, crop tops and so much more.

That store was basically begging for our attention.

I dragged Jimin with me to that store to look for clothes.

"I can't believe my eyes. This might just be my new favorite clothing store", Jimin said, looking at the short shorts with amazement.

I chuckled.

"Excuse me, girls. May I help you with anything?", one of the female workers said.

"Us? Girls? Oh, no. We're guys actually", I stated.

"Guys?! No way. Your faces.. your bodies", she said with a surprised face.

"We get that a lot. We're gay, too in case you were wondering", Jimin stated with a proud smile.

That my friend, is a fact.

"Woah. You guys are so pretty", she said as she smiled. I could tell it was genuine too. She's so cute.

Jimin and I just laughed.

"Need any help with finding clothes?", she asked.

"Yeah, would you mind finding us clothes you think would suit my friend and I best? There's just so much clothes we like here so we can't really decide", I said.

"Yes!! Give me a few minutes", she said all giddy as she proceeded to find us some clothes.

I looked at Jimin and we both jumped out of excitement.

After about 7 minutes, she came and handed us both black tight jeans. The only difference was that Jimin received a white sweatshirt while I received a black crop topped one.

"Your friend looks like the type that likes his body outlined by his clothes but not so much at the same time. That's why I gave him a pair of tight jeans like yours. So that his bottom half looks like what others would call 'hot'. I gave him a sweatshirt since he looks like the innocent type. The color white, proving my point. You on the other hand, look like the type who loves to expose his body way more so I gave you a crop topped sweatshirt. It's black because... well, your looks appear sort of deceiving. I hope you like them and decide to buy them. Hurry! Go try them on", she said.

Jimin and I looked at each other. She definitely knew what she was doing. She described us in a pretty good way. She wasn't wrong. That's for sure.

She then dragged us both to a dressing room each.

(Third P.O.V)

They got dressed into their recommended clothes and exit the dressing room.

"Woah! You guys look so... unreal", the girl said, amazed by what she was seeing.

"I Love This!", Jimin lightly yelled, twirling.

"Same here. Definitely looks like something I'd wear. Simple yet attractive, you know?", Taehyung said, looking at himself in the mirror.

"Can we keep this on?? We'll pay!", Jimin pleaded.

"Of course, let me remove the tags and scan them. Follow me to the register, if you may", the girl said as she removed their tags and walked away with Taehyung and Jimin behind her.

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