Chapter 19

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(Third P.O.V)

'Finally! Third period is over. I can see Koo now', Taehyung thought.

He packed his books in his bag and headed out of the classroom.

When Taehyung reached the lunch room, he saw Jeongguk sitting on his usual seat. He was looking at his phone.

Taehyung walked over to him, sat on his lap and kissed him. Jeongguk of course, kissed back. The kiss, getting more heated by the moment.

"We're here too", Jin said with attitude, rolling his eyes.

"Shut up. You're just jealous because you and Joon are boyfriends yet you don't even do half the things Tae and I do. To think that we're just best friends", Jeongguk said back with the same attitude.

Jin gasped.

"You did not just say that. At least, Joon and I are dating. I found out not that long ago that he'd love to do all that with me. Just not in front of others. Unlike you two who are 'best friends'. That's some serious disrespect, young man", Jin said, crossing his arms.

"What's wrong with being best friends with Koo?", Taehyung asked.

"Honey, you have to stop your current relationship with Jeongguk. You won't get a boyfriend like you wanted if you keep this up with Jeongguk", Jin said with a soft gaze.

Yoongi then whispered something in Jin's ear, making Jin's eyes widen.

"Jeongguk, you son of a bitch! How dare you play with Taehyung?!", Jin said.

"I'm not. The hell? Yoongi what did you whisper to Jin?", Jeongguk said.

"Nothing that concerns you", Yoongi replied, leaning his head on Jimin's shoulder.

"It's fine, guys. I'm actually the one who decided to keep it going. This is all part of the plan. I'm actually trying to make Koo fall for me by the end of this week. It's like a bet", Taehyung said, resting his head on Jeongguk's chest while still on his lap.

"Bro.. Kook has already fallen for you. I mean, just look at him. He lets you sit on his lap and LOVES making out with you. It's so god damn obvious that it hurts to watch", Hoseok said, face palming himself.

"Koo... have you fallen for me already?", Taehyung asked, his head still laying on Jeongguk's chest.

"No. I don't have feelings for you in the slightest. Not yet", Jeongguk lied.

The rest looked at Jeongguk judgmentally.

"I knew you were stupid, alright. Just not this much. Unless, you're pretending", Jimin said, stroking Yoongi's hair.

"I'm not. I really don't like Tae", Jeongguk kept lying.

Namjoon and Jeongguk locked gazes. There was no point in trying to fool Namjoon. He's very observant and knows a lot. He just doesn't like getting involved with other people's business but he's gonna have to reconsider this time around.

"Jeongguk. I highly suggest you stop. You're gonna end up regretting ever lying", Namjoon said, already done with Jeongguk's bullshit.

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