Chapter 10

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(Jeongguk's P.O.V)

Today's the worst. I had misunderstood Taehyung's relationship with Bogum and to make things worse, I  have to walk home by myself without my baby's presence.

I sighed.

I got home and decided to take a shower. I went upstairs to our room, took off my clothes, grabbed a pair of sweatpants, a shirt, an underwear, a towel along with my slides and headed to the bathroom.

I turned on the shower and got in. As I was washing myself, I thought of Taehyung.

What the fuck is wrong with you?!

But.. still.. Taehyung wearing my clothes..

Fuck.. I'm hard.....

Calm your hormones Jeongguk!! You're disrespecting Taehyung like this!!

You're just sexually frustrated lately. You don't like Taehyung. You don't like Taehyung. You don't like Taehyung.

It's just your hormones acting up these past days.

You're straight. You're straight. You're straight.

You like girls. Only girls.

I quickly put these thoughts away and decided to take care of my little problem.

A few minutes later, I finished my shower, dried myself and my hair, put on my underwear, shirt, sweatpants, and slid into my slides.

I then went downstairs and cooked some food.

When I finished, I served the rice and steak on my plate accompanied by a glass of water.

As I was eating, I heard the front door unlock. The door opened revealing Taehyung sweating.

"What happened to you?", I asked shoving a spoon of food in my mouth.

"I ran here", he said scratching the back of his head.

"Retard", I said jokingly.

"I- Fine!! Be that way", he said closing the door and locking it.

He then went to the kitchen, served himself food and sat next to me to eat.

"You know I was joking, right?", I questioned while getting up to wash my plate.

"I don't know. Do I?", he said rolling his eyes while eating.

"Tae~ Stop being so immature. You know I didn't mean it", I said putting away the plate.

He didn't bother to respond. He'll probably be back to normal, later. I walk passed him, sat on the couch and turned on the TV. Usually, I would just hold him in my arms to make him feel better but I know that if I were to do it, I'd start thinking things I shouldn't be thinking of. Just a little bit of a distance. No harm in it, right?

A few minutes later, I see that Taehyung got up from his seat, washed his plate and went upstairs probably to go shower.

An hour had passed and he hadn't come downstairs. Did he fall asleep?

I turned off the TV and went upstairs to check on him. I knocked on our bedroom door before opening the door. The moment I did, I regretted it immediately. Well.. not really.

On our bed, Taehyung was sitting cross legged wearing one of my white t-shirts with just an underwear while looking at his phone.

He looks so... fuck-able and se-


I snapped out of it and called out to him.


He looked up at me with flushed cheeks.

Shit. So prett- Just stop Jeongguk.

"Are you still mad at me?", I asked a bit worried.

"No, you were right. You didn't mean it and I was acting immature. I'm sorry", he said looking away in a shy state.

What a- cutie.

You know what?! I don't care anymore!!

I walked over to our bed, snatched his phone and put it on the nightstand.

I could tell he was very confused by my actions. Especially when I made him get up from the bed.

I sat on the bed myself and just pulled him on my lap, wrapping my arms around his waist as I stared into his eyes. I'd be lying if I said that this didn't feel heavenly. The fact he's only wearing my white t-shirt and underwear in the bottom is just a bonus.

I kept my gaze locked with his and he was just a blushing mess. Why does he have to look so cute?!

"You're cute, you know?", I asked and he just wrapped his arms around my neck hiding his face on my chest.

"Do you have any slight idea on how badly I want to kiss you in this position?", I asked slightly smirking. Not like he can see me anyways.

Do I know this ain't normal? Most definitely. Do I give a fuck? Nope.

He then all of a sudden rubbed himself on me.

I groaned and he just laughed.

"Not funny. You're such a tease", I stated a bit angry.

He placed his hands under my shirt and traced them down my abs.

I grabbed his arms, keeping him from going any further and said, "I suggest you stop before I do something you'll regret."

"We'll see", he said with a grin. He got up from my lap, placed a kiss on my cheek and ran for it.

Did he just do that? I can't believe him! I stayed paralyzed for about a minute and came back to my senses.

"Come back here! You can't just do that", I said as I got up and went to look for him but found no one.

Where is he?!

"Come out or you'll regret it!!", I lightly yelled.

I then heard my phone vibrating in my pocket. I took it out and saw a message from Taehyung.

Baby: Find me within the next minute and I might reconsider giving you a kiss on the lips


I see the type of person that you are but game on!

Me: Deal

I went to the bathroom we have in the hallway, the 2 guest rooms, the bathroom downstairs, the kitchen and living room yet still no sign of him.

Did I not search well enough?

Baby: Time's up. Go to our bedroom

What the fuck?!

I went upstairs, back to our bedroom and see him lying down on the bed.

"How the fuck did you get in here? You left this room", I said annoyed.

"I saw you enter the bathroom from one of the guest rooms so I quickly made my way here before you exit", he stated with a wide smile.


"Awwe. Are you mad, Koo? You wanted that kiss, didn't you?", he mocked.

"I hate you", I said. Obviously not meaning it.

"No, you don't. You LOVE Me!", he stated proudly opening his arms wide for a hug.

He truly is captivating..

I went over to our bed and engulfed him in a tight hug.

"Damn right, I do"


(To Be Continued)

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