Chapter 36

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(A/N: This chapter is so fucking long. My chapters are usually 1,500 words... around there. Yet this one is almost 3,000! You all deserve it anyway. Enjoy!)

(Third P.O.V)

Taehyung had just woken up. He didn't feel the warmth from Jeongguk's side of the bed so he reached out sleepily for him but didn't feel anything.

Now, you may be wondering what's wrong about that. After all, Jeongguk was the one that told Taehyung that they wouldn't be sleeping together anymore until everything gets fixed. Yet, ever since that night where they cuddled until they fell asleep, they've been sleeping on the same bed. Yesterday was no exception. What Taehyung did to Jeongguk tired him out a lot. What both only wanted was to sleep in each other's embrace to get rid of all those bad thoughts.

"... Koo?", Taehyung called out sleepily, yawning right after.

'Kitchen?', Taehyung thought, slowly getting up from bed as he was still quite tired.

He went downstairs and checked the kitchen, expecting Jeongguk to be there making breakfast but he wasn't there.

"Jeongguk?", he called out louder this time but there was still no answer so he checked the rest of the house.

"Did he perhaps go out to do some grocery? What time is it anyway?", Taehyung asked himself and went to go check his phone. It was 8:14 am.

'It's still early. What if he left? Nah. I'll just go back to sleep. Maybe he'll be back by then. Yeah, that sounds good', Taehyung thought as he made his way to his room, tripping at some point since he was exhausted.

He then collapsed on his bed and let sleep take over for him with Jeongguk on the back of his mind.

"Tae..... baby? Wake up"

Taehyung's eyes scrunched. He was still very sleepy and didn't feel like waking up but the words and light shaking continued. He slowly opened his eyes, adjusting once more to the light in his eyes and saw Jeongguk.

"Koo, you're back?", Taehyung asked sleepily.

"Oh, you were awake before? Sorry, baby. I went to go deal with all the transfer thing to go back to school. It was hectic and it took way too long. I would've let you tag along in my trip to misery but you looked so peaceful sleeping and I didn't want to wake you up", Jeongguk said as he stroked Taehyung's hair.

Taehyung let out a sigh of relief.

"Something wrong?", Jeongguk asked, sitting next to the other boy who was still lying in bed.

"Want me to be honest? Koo, I was worried when I didn't see you next to me when I woke up. I thought the gay gods took you away and made you straight again", Taehyung said half joking, earning a laugh from Jeongguk.

"Straight? Again? With you in this Earth? No, you're mistaken. How dare you doubt my love for you. Keep it up with those thoughts and we're gonna have problems", Jeongguk jokingly warned.

"Shush. I'm not doubting anything", Taehyung lied as he sat up on the bed.

"Yeah, sure", Jeongguk played along.

"What time is it?" Taehyung asked.

"Uh.. it's... 12:17 pm", Jeongguk said, checking his phone.

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