Chapter 26

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(Third P.O.V)

"What are you up to?", Taehyung asked as he sat next to Jeongguk on the sofa.

"Nothing much. Just repeating a little voice message that Hoseok sent me", Jeongguk said, trying his best not laugh or smile.

"Why is that?", Taehyung asked, now curious.

"It's not really a voice message. More like a video but it's all black so to me, it's a voice message. Listen to it yourself", Jeongguk said, putting the phone close to Taehyung.

"Alright", Taehyung agreed, pressing on the play button.

"-doesn't mean it's the end of the world. We can still have fun."

"It just doesn't feel the same without him."

"Oh, please. I bet you just wanna sit on his lap and kiss him til you're out of breath."

"Yeah, I'd like that but... even if he didn't leave schools, our friendship wouldn't be the same. He wants to start all over and become a better person for me while I'm over here frustrated because I can't wait for him to just take and claim me as his!! Like he can run me over with a truck and I'd still be grateful. I want him to hold me, kiss me, fuck me to the point I can't walk for months-"

"Woah there, buddy. No one here need to kn-"

"Wow, Tae. Didn't know you talked about me like that~", Jeongguk teased. Taehyung was a blushing mess.

"Shut up! I never said that. It's photoshopped!", Taehyung said as an excuse.

Jeongguk bursted out laughing.

"Really, Tae? Photoshopped? You do know that you can't photoshop voices, right? Pfft. Photoshop. I'll remember that always.", Jeongguk said, still laughing.

"Shit", Taehyung mumbled.

"How badly do you wanna be fucked by me that you had no shame saying such things out loud?", Jeongguk asked with a grin.



"Tomorrow, I will go check out the school's football team and see if they're worth competing with. If not, I will straight up laugh at them", Jeongguk said as he watched a movie with Taehyung's head leaning on his shoulder.

"That's mean", Taehyung said.


Taehyung then received a message from Bogum so he went to check it out.

"Who's that?", Jeongguk asked.

"Bogum", Taehyung replied casually as he texted back.

"What does he want now?", Jeongguk asked, rolling his eyes.

"He wants to meet up one of these days", Taehyung said, getting up from the sofa to go get a glass of water.

"Tell him you're busy that day", Jeongguk said a bit loud so Taehyung could hear him from the kitchen.

"He hasn't even told me the day. How would you know?", Taehyung said giggling.

"If it has to do with him, then you're always busy", Jeongguk said, heading towards the kitchen.

"What if I have nothing to do that day?", Taehyung asked, getting some ice for his glass of water.

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