Chapter 18

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(End of Flashback)

(Third P.O.V)

"So, yeah. That's how it went", Taehyung said all giddy on the inside.

"That guy basically claimed you the moment he laid his hands on you", Hoseok laughed.

"I think it's cute how Jeongguk got attached rather quickly. He even said he loved you and to think you guys only knew each other for two weeks", Bogum said, still eating.

"Tae.. what name did you give him in your contacts?", Yoongi asked, already finished with his drink.

Taehyung unlocked his phone and showed them the name he has Jeongguk saved as.

"Wait a god damn minute. Am I behind or something? Do you like Jeongguk because that name is not something that-"

"Yeah, I do. Although, I think it's fine. Koo has me saved as baby", Taehyung interrupted Yoongi.

Yoongi dropped his empty cup due to what he heard.

"What's wrong?", Bogum asked Yoongi.

"Nothing...", Yoongi replied, still in shock. What he didn't want was for Taehyung to fall for Jeongguk but the opposite ended up happening.

Yoongi stood up and said, "I wanna go see Jimin."

"Lovesick, much?", Hoseok questioned, teasing Yoongi once more.

"Tae. Jin's frying pan looks pretty strong. Do you know where he bought it?", Yoongi said with a blank face.

"Uh.. Walmart, I think", Taehyung said, somewhat unsure.

"You don't wanna do this Yoongi. You're just out of it today", Hoseok said nervously while scratching the back of his head.

"Who said I don't? I want to and I will", Yoongi said very serious.

Bogum started laughing. As a result, he fell off his chair.

"Fucking idiot", Yoongi said, laughing at Bogum's fall. He almost fell as well but Hoseok caught him beforehand.

"You have no right to laugh at him, Yoongi. You almost fell yourself if it weren't for me", Hoseok stated.

"Oh god. You people are hilarious", Bogum said, still laughing.

Taehyung helped him up.

"Thanks, pup", Bogum thanked, ruffling Taehyung's 'fake hair'.

While the four were having fun, we have Jeongguk and Jimin who were staring at their table with jealousy running through their veins.

"Keep your hands off my man"

"Don't touch what's mine"

They both said to themselves at the same time before looking at each other.

"So we're both jealous, I see", Jimin said, sighing.

"You could say that", Jeongguk said with a look of boredom.

"Why don't we... try and make them jealous?", Jimin questioned with a smirk.

"I'm starting to like the way you think but I'm not sure if it's a good idea. What if Tae gets upset?", Jeongguk said.

"Would you like to go back?", Jimin asked.

"Yeah", Jeongguk replied.

"Same. I wanna go back to my boyfriend", Jimin said, standing up and walking towards the rest. Jeongguk stayed behind, picking up some of the trash and throwing it away.

Once he was done, he made his way to Taehyung and gave him a tight hug.

"I missed you", Jeongguk whispered.

"We saw each other not that long ago, though", Taehyung said.

Jeongguk broke the hug.

"Oh, sorry then. Forget it", Jeongguk said, clearly hurt. Could it be he was being too clingy. Was Taehyung getting tired of him?

Taehyung leaned in and gave Jeongguk a kiss on the lips to which the older had responded by kissing back.

"Don't misunderstand me. I missed you too", Taehyung said when he broke the kiss.

The look on Jeongguk's face was simply the cutest.
He was smiling wide, showing his bunny teeth. The others found the situation adorable and even though Yoongi didn't want to admit it, he himself thought it was cute.

"If you excuse us, I'm taking Tae with me back home", Jeongguk said, wasting no time in grabbing Taehyung by the wrist and dragging him out of the mall. What he really wanted was to cuddle, shower him with love and kisses, seeing Taehyung wearing his clothes and maybe.. just maybe, make out. Again, this is NORMAL for them.

The others were long forgotten by now.


"Koo, remember when we use to sleep in different rooms when we first decided to live together?", Taehyung asked while laying in bed, looking at the ceiling.

"How could I forget such tragic times? I honestly have no idea how I managed to sleep without you", Jeongguk said, getting on top of Taehyung. His hands and knees, trapping his best friend.

"I ask myself that too", Taehyung chuckled.

"By the way, can I just say that I'm glad you're back to normal? Sure, you look nice as a girl but your true self is more lovely and prettier", Jeongguk said, giving Taehyung light kisses on his neck.

Taehyung's eyes started to close. It was all too pleasing for him.

"Baby, you make me want to do things to you", Jeongguk whispered in his best friend's ear.

Taehyung opened his eyes. This was a lot for him to handle. Then it hit him. The bet! Was Jeongguk falling for him already? It was very possible.

"Koo", Taehyung called out.

"Yes, love?", Jeongguk answered.

"Do me a favor and kiss me", Taehyung pleaded.

"Gladly", Jeongguk said before connecting their lips.

Soon, they were having a make out session. Those two are always getting lost in their own little world. Always so happy in the other's presence. A hug, kiss or a simple hello from the other is enough reason to be happy.

It's funny because Jeongguk is slowly realizing he's willing to date Taehyung and actually commit to a relationship.

They're happy at the moment and always are when they're spending time together.

What they don't know is that... the euphoric feeling they're sharing, won't be lasting long...


(To Be Continued)

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