Chapter 11

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(Warning: Short Update)


(Third P.O.V)

It was 7:28 AM. Taehyung woke up to see Jeongguk sleeping next to him with his arms wrapped around his waist.

Taehyung moved closer to Jeongguk and snuggled himself on his best friend, not wanting to leave the other's embrace. Soon, falling asleep once more.

Not long after, Jeongguk had woken up. He sees Taehyung sleeping so comfortable and soundly on top of him and he can't help but think that it was such an adorable sight.

Then he remembered about Taehyung wanting to hang out with the others this weekend so he woke him up.

"Baby~ Wake up", he said softly, not wanting to disturb his sleep as much.

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes and made eye contact with Jeongguk not really understanding anything since he was still very sleepy.

"Koo.. you know.. that.. I love you, right?", he said before falling asleep again.

Jeongguk's eyes widen. He was in shock.

'In what way did he mean it? Probably as a best friend. Stop overthinking', he thought.

He shook Tae a little to wake him up better.

"Wake up. Didn't you say you wanted to hang out with our friends today?", Jeongguk said softly.

"I don't remember that. Let me just sleep with you", Taehyung said getting even more closer to his best friend, slightly on top of him.

Jeongguk just looks at him with love in his eyes. Until... he realized that the shirt Taehyung is wearing was showing his stomach. Meaning, you can see Taehyung's ass and curves with those tight boxers. Jeongguk was over the edge by now. He wanted to place his hands where he shouldn't. He really shouldn't but was he just gonna not do it? Absolutely not. It's a once in a lifetime experience too so why not?

He placed his hands on Taehyung's ass and he didn't regret it one single bit. Many thoughts ran through his head.

'No wonder so many people from our school want to feel it in their hands. God, I want to do more', he thought.

And so he did what anyone would do in his situation,......

He groped it.

He was having the time of his life doing this. He just didn't know he woke up Taehyung again in the process. Not like Taehyung wasn't enjoying it. In fact, it felt really good to him and he wanted Jeongguk to continue. Normal? Not in the slightest but whatever rows your boat, I suppose.

At some point, Jeongguk groped, wait, more like handled Taehyung's ass for his pleasure a bit rougher this time making Taehyung moan.

Jeongguk was fucked. It's not that he was embarrassed and that he woke up his best friend. Hell no. He was proud and enjoyed every second of it. The thing is, Taehyung's moan turned him on. He was unfortunately, painfully hard.

"Are you for real, Taehyung? Why'd you have to moan? Now I'm hard because of that sinful noise that came out of your fucking mouth", Jeongguk said frustrated.

Taehyung just looked at him confused and then laughed.

He was wide awake now. He got on top of Jeongguk, straddling his lap right over his erection and said, "Well, I'll be damned. This is the first time I've seen Jeon Jeongguk get so sexually excited. Especially when it's because of me. You liked it, didn't you?"

To say that Jeongguk didn't find this sexy was an understatement.

"What if I did?", Jeongguk questioned with a smirk.

"Do you perhaps want to do it again?", Taehyung asked, smiling ever so innocently turning Jeongguk on even more.

"I'd be more than happy to", Jeongguk replied while trying to touch Taehyung's ass again only to be stopped by Taehyung himself.

"Nope. As much as I enjoyed it, you can't touch me so inappropriately", Taehyung said with a grin.

Jeongguk groaned as he was sexually frustrated.

"Would you like to add that to the deal if it frustrates you so much?", Taehyung asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, please", Jeongguk whined, lips parted a bit.

Taehyung then got off of Jeongguk's lap.

"Go take a shower. Oh, take care of that problem of yours while you're at it. If it's not enough, feel free to call one of your girls for extra help", Taehyung said, rolling his eyes.

"I don't think I'll be asking them for help anytime soon. I'm sure that if I were to jerk off thinking of you, everything would go smoothly", Jeongguk said, winking as he got up and headed to the bathroom, leaving a flustered Taehyung behind.

'Seriously, Jeongguk. What are we? And bitch! Where the fuck did you get all that confidence from, Kim Taehyung?!', Taehyung thought.

He was gonna leave the room and go downstairs until he heard Jeongguk moan out his name.

Taehyung only smirked and yelled,...



(To Be Continued)

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