Chapter 16

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(Third P.O.V)

Jeongguk and Yoongi went back to the rest in an awkward silence. Neither of them felt like talking to each other. It was because of Taehyung that they became friends but it's also because of Taehyung that their friendship is slowly ripping apart.

Yoongi was a total mood most of the time. He always has this 'resting bitch' face but when they got back, everyone could tell how bothered he was just by looking at him.

"Babe? What's wrong?", Jimin asked, giving his boyfriend a hug. Yoongi relaxed and hugged back. A smile was starting to form. The rest looked at the sight in awe.

"I'm fine. Don't worry so much", Yoongi said, kissing Jimin's head while still hugging him.

Jeongguk looked at Taehyung. His best friend was looking at the YoonMin couple the same way he did the other day at lunch.

(A/N: I wonder if any of you remember that)

"Baby...what's with that stare you're giving them? I've seen you do it before. At lunch the other day", Jeongguk said.

"It's nothing. I just.. envy them. Yoongi and Jimin are each other's first love. They have been dating each other ever since middle school and their love is just as pure and beautiful as when they first started their relationship. Jimin can turn Yoongi's pissed off mood to a relaxed, happy one and viceversa. I want a boyfriend who will look at me like I'm his world or more. Someone who will shower me with love and kisses everyday. I mean, you do all that but you don't love me romantically and you're straight as far as I know. Why not be jealous?", Taehyung said really low while looking down.

Jeongguk made Taehyung look up before speaking.

"You're my universe, Taehyung. You don't need a boyfriend as long as I'm with you. If you want love and kisses, I'll give them to you without a second thought. Don't be jealous of them anymore. What we have is so much better. After all, that 'boyfriend' thing is just a title", Jeongguk said, caressing Taehyung's cheek.

Taehyung couldn't believe anything that came out of his best friend's mouth. Yet, he felt like he needed to know what they really are... so he whispered, "Are we... friends with benefits?"

Jeongguk just laughed it off and leaned in for a kiss. Just a quick peck, though.

"Don't be dumb, Tae. I believe that in order for us to be friends with benefits, we'd have to have sex with no strings attached and do all that sexual intimacy. Again, no feelings attached", Jeongguk said, as if he was hinting that he indeed had feelings for his best friend.

"Then... what does that make us? We're best friends but we kiss and do stuff that only couples do...", Taehyung said, getting all shy.

"Best friends who kiss?", Jeongguk questioned.

"That's not normal, thou-"

"It's our normal, remember?", Jeongguk asked, interrupting Taehyung.

Taehyung just smiled and hugged Jeongguk.

"I want... to stay like this. Forever, perhaps?", Taehyung said.

"Trust me. I feel the same", Jeongguk said, hugging back.

In the background, we have the two best friends, Hoseok and Jimin, taking pictures of the two. Yoongi wasn't in the mood to look at them both after that talk with Jeongguk.

As in for the Namjin couple? Let's say Jin had enough of Namjoon not wanting to do anything romantic with him lately and so he decided to leave. Namjoon only followed him. It's not that he doesn't love Jin. It's just that he feels more comfortable kissing, hugging and doing all sorts of things at home, privately.

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