Chapter 32

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(Third P.O.V)

It was currently 5:34 in the morning. Taehyung woke up first and saw that he and Jeongguk were embracing each other in their sleep.

'Right! I slept with him. WAIT! I SLEPT WITH KOO!!', he yelled inside his head.

Taehyung was definitely happy at the moment. To him, this meant their relationship was improving. The thought made his heart flutter.

He was gonna go back to sleep and continue cuddling Jeongguk but realized it was a Friday.

'Fuck the weekdays. You know what?! Who cares?! I'm staying like this', he thought before leaning his head on Jeongguk's chest. His left leg on top of Jeongguk.

The action woke up Jeongguk due to the weight he felt on him all of a sudden.

"Baby?", Jeongguk questioned in a sleepy tone.

"Yes, Koo?", Taehyung replied.

"What time is it?", Jeongguk asked, still sleepy.

"Don't look at the time. I don't want you to leave!", Taehyung pleaded.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Leave you?", Jeongguk asked all confused.

"Not like that. I don't want you to go to school. Stay with me~", Taehyung whined.

"Do you like me that much?", Jeongguk asked, ruffling Taehyung's hair. A smile forming on his lips.

"No, I Love You that much", Taehyung stated.

"You're too cute. Let's get up for school", Jeongguk said.

"Nooo. Don't wanna...", Taehyung said, clinging onto Jeongguk more.

"But ba-"

"Unless...", Taehyung interrupted.

"Unless what?", Jeongguk questioned.

"Kisses", Taehyung replied.


"I want kisses from you on the lips every once in a while. That's my condition", Taehyung said, snuggling his head on Jeongguk's chest.

Jeongguk sat up on the bed. In doing so, he didn't realize that he also made Taehyung sit up since Taehyung was basically on him. Now, Taehyung was straddling his lap.

"Oh, sorry", Jeongguk apologized, laughing a bit.

"Koo, I'm serious here. I'm not letting you go unless you agree to that condition. I want to be able to kiss you. Whether it's a peck, a normal and semi passionate kiss or a full on lustful one", Taehyung said, not breaking eye contact.

Jeongguk was not expecting that but he did like the idea no matter which way he looked at it. That is why he decided to tease Taehyung. He was gonna pretend he'd think about it.

"Why are you thinking about it? Don't you like the idea of kissing me?", Taehyung asked pouting.

If Jeongguk was drinking any kind of beverage, he would have sure spitted it out due to shock.

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