Chapter 20

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(Taehyung's P.O.V)

I turned around to face an angry Jeongguk.

Why the fuck is he angry? I should be the one who's angry...... yet, all I can feel is utter disappointment and sadness.

I walk towards him.

"Why'd you yell my name, man?! Why are you even angry in the first place?", I asked.

"How can I not be angry?! You just said you want us to go back to being best friends again. Without the kisses and make out sessions! I enjoyed every single second of it. I was happy and you tell me you wanna call it quits?", Jeongguk said, getting closer to me.

"Look. I enjoyed it just as much as you did but you're straight. You have a whole ass reputation that I had forgotten about this past week. You're in need of a girlfriend. Just because I look like one doesn't mean you get to use me! Koo, I want a boyfriend. Not some boy that kisses and makes out with me. I want feelings attached. Plus, you don't like me and I don't like you. You even said it yourself so I don't see what the problem is. You can kiss and do shit with other girls. It doesn't have to be with me. I won't care", I said, looking at him in the eyes.

I love you! I don't want you to kiss other girls. It should be me. I want to take it all back!

"Ba- Tae, I'm not using you because you look feminine. I.. I don't want you to have a boyfriend", Jeongguk said, trying to reach out to me. I only backed away.

"Jeongguk, what is wrong with you?! Do I have to do whatever you want? Why can't I have a boyfriend?!", I asked.

"I DON'T KNOW!", he yelled causing me to flinch.

"Fuck. I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me anymore. I feel lost. Like I can't do anything without you by my side. The reason I told her I'd go back to being how I used to be is because I caught feelings for you and it's irritating. I get so possessive over you and don't want you around any guys but me. Yet, you don't like me. I thought that if I went back to my old self, I'd forget about the feelings I developed for you. Actually, I didn't want to date you even if I had feelings for you but lately, I seem to like the idea of it. So, that's why I agreed", Jeongguk said.

"You're The Absolute Worst! Even if I didn't like you, is it that bad to like me that you want to get rid of your feelings?! Oh, wait. Let me guess. You did all that with me to test your feelings for me, didn't you? I guess I really was played. Well, I've got news for you, Jeongguk. I fell in love with you a week ago. When you got into a fight with two guys for me and called me 'baby' for the first time, to be specific. I've wanted to date you since then. I let you kiss and hold me like I was your one and only because I thought that maybe I had a chance. On your football game that is being held on Wednesday... I was gonna go cheer you on. I actually became the captain of the cheerleading team. I lied to you so I could surprise you. What I didn't know, was that you developed feelings for me but didn't like the idea of dating me. Is there something wrong with me? You confuse so much. I don't even know what we are. You do things that make me feel happy and loved but then you say things that make me think 'I don't have a chance in hell'. I've had enough. Jeon Jeongguk, consider our friendship over. Forget how we met. Forget our times together. Forget our friendship. Last but not least, forget I ever had feelings for someone like you. You're free. I'm letting you go. Go get yourself a girlfriend. It's what you wanted, anyways", I said, full on crying before leaving him behind.

I'll miss us...

(Third P.O.V)

By this point, Jeongguk felt empty. He couldn't do anything. Taehyung's words kept repeating in his mind. He wanted to go try and talk things out again but he knew it'd only make things even worse.

Now, both were crying, feeling alone in this world.

'I should have just told him that I loved him. At least, he knows the whole truth. If it makes him feel any better, I'll try and forget it all. I've hurt him enough. Yoongi was right. He deserves someone better in life', he thought.


-Before dismissal-

"Tae... are you okay?! What's wrong?! Why are you crying?! Jimin asked, very worried for his soulmate.

"It was Jeongguk, wasn't it?", Hoseok questioned, bringing Taehyung in for a hug.

"He.. h-he said he fell for me but didn't want to.. d-date me. That he was gonna go back to being his old self to.. f-forget those feelings. I confessed my feelings and told him that I had enough of it all so I.. b-broke off our friendship", Taehyung said, breaking his words.

Yoongi broke the hug between Taehyung and Hoseok.

"TAE!! I get the fact that you're hurt but why would you do that?! Jeongguk told me back then that he caught feelings for you. He also told me he wasn't ready to commit to a relationship. You know why?! He's afraid that his feelings for you will vanish if you two were to date. That all the kisses and stuff were for a reason. To him, it meant a lot because it strengthened his feelings for you. It was to see if being with you, would be the 'ultimate decision'. He didn't want to see you hurt in case you guys ever dated. He wanted his feelings to be absolutely true. He said he was doing it for you. If he said that he was gonna go back to his old self to forget his feelings, it's not because his feelings are disintegrating. It's because he started to think that he really wasn't worthy of you. That you deserve someone better. That guy loves you! He'd do anything for you but you outright broke off your friendship with him. You even told him to forget you! He's probably feeling worse than you right now. You fucked up just as much as he did. You have to go to Jeongguk quickly or it'll get worse", Yoongi said in a desperate tone.

"But.. Jeongguk ditched school almost an hour ago. I saw him leave. If I'm not mistaken, I believe Jeongguk went home to pack his clothes. Tae.. you told him to forget you and I think that's what he's going to do. This might be your last chance to-"

Jimin didn't even get the chance to finish. Taehyung had already left. He tried his best to get back home as soon as possible so he left his bag at school.

Taehyung couldn't stop the tears rolling down his cheeks as he ran. He was terrified of what the outcome might be.



(To Be Continued)

(A/N: Ya'll asked for it. You wanted this so don't come at me nor Jeongguk. They were both at wrong. I cried while writing this. Also, I said that the drama would be after the game but to me, it made much more sense to do it now)

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