Chapter 8

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"Don't. Touch. What's. Mine!"

(Taehyung's P.O.V)

... no way. Did you just... do you really consider me as yours?

Jeongguk then dragged me to a secluded area at school since we had attracted a bit of attention.

"Baby, are you okay?", he asked worriedly cupping my cheeks.

"I.. I'm fine. Thanks to", I replied.

"You sure?", he questioned not really believing me.

"Yeah.. uh, Koo.... about what you said earlier, did you really-"

"Ah, no! I said it so he'd back off, you kn-"

"NO!", I yelled interrupting him. He looked at me confused.

"I don't mind. I.. don't mind being yours... Ah!! What the hell did I just say?! You clearly only said that so they'd back off. I'm an idiot. Why would I say such a thing? I'm so sorry. I'll go", I blabbered and walked away only to be pulled back by him into a hug.

Why does he do this every time?

"I said it because I thought you didn't like the idea but now that you said you don't mind, you're mine. My best friend", he said hugging me tighter.

How stupid of me. Of course, he meant it the 'best friend' type of way. I actually thought for a second there that he meant it romantically.

I then remembered something and broke the hug. He didn't look very pleased that I did that. Guess he really likes hugging me.

"I forgot to tell you. Go home without me today", I said.

I have practice today.

"Huh? Why?? You know I can't stand not being next to you for a whole class period and you expect me to go home alone without you?? What will you be doing anyways? Can't I wait for you or something?", he kept questioning.

I could feel myself getting red. Ugh. Why do you do this to me??

"Sorry, Koo. It'll take some time. Plus, you're not allowed since you're not a participant of what we'll be doing", I said, not really lying.

He then looked at the floor. An evident sad expression on his face. The sight broke me.

I then thought of something I could do to cheer him up.

"Koo", I called out. When I did, he looked up practically almost immediately.

I got closer, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. He quickly kissed back placing his hands a bit lower than my waist, very close to my ass.

At first I thought nothing of it since they weren't really on my ass but he ended up placing his hands there and lightly groped them making moan.

He only deepened the kiss as a response.

When a few seconds passed, I broke the kiss due to lack of oxygen. I was basically panting and so was he.

"I changed the deal. You don't get to kiss me whenever or wherever you want, but I certainly can. Although, Koo. This isn't normal. We're best friends and you were kissing me and touching me as if I was your lover", I stated looking at him straight in the eyes.

He then brought me into a tight hug and said, "Then let's make this our normal."

I don't know why but this brought me to tears. Maybe it's because I really really love him and want to be his but he just doesn't feel the way I do. Just his best friend who he can kiss as if he were his but not really.

He broke the hug and saw me crying. "Baby, why are you crying? Did you not like it? I'm sorry", he said stroking my hair.

" It's not t..that. It's j..just that I'm h..happy", I said still crying.

"You're so fucking precious, did you know? I don't know what I'd do without you. You're beautiful and you have the kindest heart. I love that", he said looking at me with so much care in his eyes.

His words only made me cry harder. As a result, he started crying too.

"Don't cry, It hurts me even if you're c..crying for good r..reasons. You don't d..deserve to c..cry", he said crying as well but at the same time, wiping my tears away. I did the same.

"Koo... may I kiss you again?", I asked a bit scared that he'd look at me weird.

"Any time", he said smiling.

(Third P.O.V)

That's all it took for Taehyung to smash his lips against Jeongguk's.

At that moment, both were so lost into that kiss that the rest of the world didn't matter anymore.

To others, this was no where near normal. Hell, they look like they're a fucking couple but to them, what others thought didn't matter.

They know for a fact it ain't normal. They know they're supposed to be best friends. Not whatever this is.

Yet... they made this their normal.

Taehyung had fallen in love with Jeongguk. Still is. As for Jeongguk, he was conflicted. He knows he's straight. He knows it already but Taehyung made him feel different. He wanted Taehyung to be with him forever and always. He wanted to hide Taehyung from the world and keep him for himself but didn't know what to do. He didn't know what he was or if his feelings for Taehyung were real but realized them soon after their first kiss. Then again, he doesn't want to ruin what he has with Taehyung by confessing. Both are completely oblivious to each other's feelings but they'd rather keep what they have now, even if it's not normal, then ruin it because of their feelings.

Jeongguk, of course, doesn't mind the type of relationship they have. As a matter of fact, he fucking loves it. Being able to hug and kiss Taehyung is enough to make him happy. It gives him this euphoric feeling inside of him and he doesn't want to stop.

On the other hand, as much as Taehyung loves his relationship with Jeongguk, he can't help but want a definite answer. He wants to know what they really are. He wants to know how Jeongguk truly feels about him. He needs answers and knows for sure, they're not best friends.

Taehyung broke the kiss and told Jeongguk these words. He didn't know why. He just felt like they needed to be said.

"I Love You, Koo"

Jeongguk smiled and replied with..

"I Love You Too, Baby"

'But.. just as best friends, right?'


(To Be Continued)

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