Chapter 4

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(A/N: Something unexpected is going to happen at the end. Brace yourself)

"Isn't it obvious? We're just best friends. Nothing more. Nothing less"

(Taehyung's P.O.V)

Who would have thought that words as simple as those could hurt so much? Just best friends? I don't even know if that's what we are anymore. At least, it doesn't feel like that. Do you really feel that way?

Hoseok must've noticed my reaction. We locked gazes and he smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Taehyung!! Come over here!!", someone called out and that person was Bogum.

I believe I need a break from all of this. Maybe Bogum will help me feel better if I talk to him about it. Sure, I have the rest of the gang but I don't think I should go to them for this. Maybe they'll spill it to Kookie. No, thanks.

I was gonna get up until Jeongguk held me tighter.

Why?... Just why?...

"Don't go over to him. Stay with me, please", Jeongguk pleaded.

"Kookie... I won't replace you if that's what you're thinking but I also need to spend time with Bogum", I said.

He hesitated at first but soon let me go.

I got up but before I walked over to Bogum, I kissed Jeongguk on his nose and left.


(Jeongguk's P.O.V)

I don't believe it... He kissed me on my nose. He's never done that before or kissed me in general. Did he do it to reassure me?

Whatever it was for, I liked it. Wait no, I loved it and I for sure looked forward to more of it in the future.

I then started eating with a smile on my face.

"Is he that happy Tae left?", Hoseok asked.

"Are you dumb?? He's like that because Tae kissed him", Jin stated.

"He's so in love. I can't with him", Yoongi said.

"Wait, hold up. I'm not in love with Taehyung. He's just my best friend", I said.

"Yeah and Chim here is just my brother", Yoongi said sarcastically.

"I mean it!!", I practically almost yelled.

"Calm down Kook. Excuse us for assuming", Namjoon said with an apologetic look.

I only hummed in response.

"Look!! One of your girlfriends is flirting with another guy", Hoseok said pointing at a direction.

I didn't bother to look and just said, "I don't have a girlfriend and I could care less if they flirt with other guys."

"Is that Bogum kissing Taehyung on the lips??!", Jimin questioned with a shocked face.

I quickly turned around to see Bogum and Taehyug chatting.

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