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Question: What do you two think about your readers?

Author: I think they're sweet. Surprisingly, they didn't come at me. Like.. the book 'What Are We?' is so cringe. It loses its cringe after like chapter 21 or something. For some unknown reason, they read it and love it. Between you and me, they have.. uh.. peculiar tastes in books cause mine is shit. When I finish it, Imma write books that are actually worth reading so they can enjoy.

Editor: They're very.....interesting and intriguing. 🤡✨ I saw the beginning of this book and hunny I'm surprised ppl stayed but it's been a good journey. I'm glad that ppl stuck here :) I'm also very exited for the future me and this duck have planned 😌✨

Author: Hoe, you did not just call me a duck.

Editor: Um, yes I did bitch 💅🏻 *Flips hair extra aggressive*

Author: Next question please 🙄

Question: Was 'What Are We?' planned?

Editor: Not really, I'd say we mostly just winged it until a couple chapters were we had our plan set, I'm surprised we got this far, but I can't say much since I joined the process a bit later. Miss Duck here is the author and she began this book alone, I only found out in chapters 20 something and up . Mostly cause she was embarrassed about the book, but yeah we mostly have just winged the book :)

Author: PFFT! 'What Are We?' planned?! BAHAHAHA! HELL NO! 🤡 That book is the definition of shit 🤢 It wasn't planned. No wonder why it sucks. I can assure you readers that I'll plan my future books and it'll be amazing!

Question: What's your favorite trait about your readers?

Author: Their humor. They come up with the weirdest and funniest comments. I think they have a thing with Jin's frying pan. Oh, don't get me started on Jeongguk. I know they're done with Jeongguk's bullshit and just want him to ask Taehyung out. I think they secretly want to kill me too but bring it on, yk? 🥱

Editor: I love their humor as well. I also have a thing for Jin's frying pan 😌✨

Question: What do you think of the characters of 'What Are We?'

Editor: I personally love all-

Author: I think they're shit 💩 Til this day, I still don't know why the readers even bother to deal with the characters 🙄 The only character I actually like in the book is Yoongi. Min SWAG bby 😎

Editor: Shut the fuck up. Don't interrupt me. Anygays. Before I was interrupted by this duck I was saying that I love all the characters, I feel a little frustration at times with them but it's fine I've dealt with worse. I sometimes feel bad for Jungkook cause I've been there once, I have trust issues to a very mad level and it's not easy handle it, for Taehyung he's a very different case I love his personality although he can be dumb at times like in the previous chapter I still love him so much, Yoonmin are my favorite characters in the book for far their so cute and finally namjin I also love their relationship it makes my heart flutter :))

Question: When you look at a guy, what's the first thing you notice about them?

Author: Their hair. I have a thing for curly hair or straight parted hair.

Editor: Why the hair? 😒🤡 I- Whatever.

Author: YoU gOt a ProbLeM wiTh mY pReferences?

Editor: Bro shut up, when I first see a guy I look at them with my eyes duh 🙄, but I don't like saying but I notice their looks aside first, from their looks I also look at personality :) I want a guy who can be there for me and can understand me, I'd also like him to give me my space. But as seen at the guys I've met it's hard to find them where I live 😔🤚🏻

Question: If you had to think about one word to describe your author/editor, what would it be? Aside from that, what do you think of them?

Editor: A duck 🦆 who is trying to fly but can't 😔🤚🏻 Like If Im honest she's such a c l o w n 🤡✨ but I love her :) still she's a very good author 😌

Author: She's a... I don't even know what word describes her. She's many things ☠️ Other than that, she's pretty cool.

Question: BTS call their fans ARMY. Is there a name you'd like to call your readers?

Author: Most definitely. I have a few in mind already. They should vote on which they like best. Ready?

A) Rats 🐀

B) Roaches 🦟🦗🦟🦗

C) Goblins 👹

D) Ogres ❔

E) Leaches 👽

F) Bacteria 🦠

Editor: Do you want your readers to come at you?! Stop. I have cuter and kinder names for them. Please vote.

A) Cookies 🍪

B) Moon Children 🌙

C) Peaches 🍑

D) Lovelies ♥️

Author: Girl. Are the readers food?

Editor: At least my names are better! Who fucking calls their readers bacteria?!

Author: Uh, me bitch 👅💁🏻‍♀️ (FYI, those names I mentioned aren't for you all to be offended. I call you that in a friendly way 🥺)

Question: Any last words for your readers?

Editor: Thank you for going with us in this journey I don't know why you guys read this but thank you :) I hope you guys like our projects in the future

Author: Yeah, yeah. What she said. By the way my readers 👀 Just because I love you doesn't mean I'll go easy on you! You guys voted on 'Let Me.. Hear You' and 'Player' so take responsibility and go read the prologues 😡 Also, take care! Your lives are very important to me, BTS and other people in your lives 🥺💜


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