Chapter 25

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"I was expecting to see Jeongguk getting chased by girls. Not claiming Tae as his in front of the fangirls"

(Third P.O.V)

"Hey Yoongi. What brings you and the rest here? Not that it's bad. I'm glad", Jeongguk greeted, giving Yoongi a high five.

"We haven't seen you since like Monday and you give him a high five?! Child, I demand a group hug", Jin said.

"I admit that I missed you all but isn't a group hug a bit too much. It's been two days", Jeongguk said, still embracing Taehyung.

"You're hugging Taehyung like your life depends on it and you saw him this morning. Gang. We attack!", Hoseok said, hugging the two love birds and the rest following behind. All seven were having fun right in front of the school. A lot of people were thinking things like, 'So this is how Jeongguk is with his close friends.'

Taehyung looked up at Jeongguk, still in his arms and said, "I'm happy to see you and all but I'm mad at you. I stayed loyal! I didn't change my clothes but you are practically showing off your amazing body and muscles. I hope you know I'm done with you."

He then tried to escape from Jeongguk's hold but failed to do so since Jeongguk wouldn't let him leave.

"You're not going anywhere. I'll explain and you will hear me out. Basically, this guy named Chul threw a bucket of water at me because he thought I was his friend. He took me to the P.E. coach because he had extra gym clothes. I didn't want to get sick so I changed", Jeongguk said.

"Oh... sorry", Taehyung apologized, looking down from embarrassment.

"Don't worry. It's fine", Jeongguk said. He then gave Taehyung a peck on the forehead for reassurance.

Taehyung blushed at the sudden gesture.

"Aren't they the cutest?", Jimin cooed.

"No. I'm the cutest", Yoongi said, earning a look from his boyfriend.

"What?", Yoongi asked.

"Not even 'WE'?!",


It was all good until our 'favorite' person Ji-yeon walked up to the group, specifically Jeongguk.

"You are?", Taehyung questioned, looking at her with suspicion.

"Hello, Jeongguk. I assume these are your friends. May I join?", she said, completely ignoring Taehyung.

'The fuck is her problem?', Taehyung thought.

"For someone who wants to join our friend group, you sure are bold. Didn't I ask you a question?", Taehyung said, now face to face with her.

"Who the hell are you? Never mind. I don't care. Just answer me this. What are you to Jeongguk?", Ji-yeon said, glaring at Taehyung. She definitely saw the way Jeongguk was holding him and it pissed her off.

"Oh, here we go again. Let me guess. You're one of his fangirls. How.. typical", Taehyung said, rolling his eyes.

"Listen here you-"

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