Chapter 35

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(A/N: Prepare the tissues, ya'll. You're gonna experience a sentimental ass ride. Thank me later when you're crying your eyes out. *Flips hair aggressively* Ha!)

(Editor's note: Shut up you duck ^ I had to edit all this heartbreak you created 😭 I swear your author be coming up with weird ideas. I felt like I was watching a chicken trying to reach the sky. Luckily for her, I put her on the right path. She truly is something special... not the good kind)


(Third P.O.V)

Taehyung was sitting on the couch for the past twenty-three minutes as he waited for Jeongguk to finish up in the bathroom. The words that Jeongguk said earlier today kept repeating in his head.

'Is that really what a relationship means to him? I mean, I understand where he's coming from but to me, a relationship means-'

"Baby, I'm done taking a shower", Jeongguk said, interrupting Taehyung's thoughts.

'Huh? I must have been too deep in my thoughts', Taehyung thought.

Jeongguk sighed.

"Tae, you've been awfully quiet since we got here. Would you like to talk about it? I'll listen", Jeongguk said as he sat next to him.

Taehyung looked at Jeongguk straight in the eyes, hesitating at first but managed to get the courage and talk about it with Jeongguk.

"Koo.. what you said earlier today about what a relationship means to you... I-"

"Is that what's been bothering you?", Jeongguk asked, now realizing how it might have hurt Taehyung.

"No.. well.. yeah. You see, I.. I have my own opinion on it so I'd like for you to listen to me. Don't talk. Just listen, okay? I understand what you were trying to say but I'd like to explain to you why a relationship is necessary. It's not just to prove to others that we're together. I'll speak to you hypothetically as of now. What if I were to kiss another guy or possibly make out with him?", Taehyung said.

"I would get ma-"

"You can't get mad! Don't you get it? We're not dating. You can't get mad at me and tell me I can't do it. You have no excuse to give me as to why I shouldn't do it. We're not dating so it shouldn't matter. Don't get me started on marriage. Tell me something, Jeongguk. Have you ever thought of marrying me? Do you see yourself as my future husband?"

"Well,.. yeah. Why-"

"Dating. Married. All that stuff is a label as well. Can't you see?! If you can't see yourself dating me, then how could you possibly see yourself married to me? We already act like a couple but I still feel like we're friends with certain benefits. It's been bothering me for quite some time now. I just wanted you to see my side on it and show you that it's not how you see it as", Taehyung finished speaking.

"Tae, baby. I didn't mean it like that. I don't think you're understanding my point in this. Of cou-"

"Not understanding your point?! Are you hearing yourself right now? What about my side in this?! I don't think you're understanding me either, Jeongguk!", Taehyung said angrily. He then walked all the way upstairs to his room. Jeongguk following along.

"Wait! T-", Jeongguk tried to call out but was interrupted by the sound of Taehyung slamming the door shut.

"Taehyung, please come out. Let's talk this through", Jeongguk pleaded on the other side of the door but Taehyung didn't answer.

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