Chapter 9

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(Third P.O.V)

Third period had just ended. Yoongi and Jimin were on their way to lunch. When they got there, they sat at their usual table waiting for Namjoon, Jin, Jeongguk and Taehyung.

Namjoon walked in not long after. A few minutes later, Jin came.

"Where's Taehyung and Jeongguk?", Jimin asked.

"Don't worry. They'll be here any minute now", Namjoon said.

"Speak of the devils. There they a- Are they holding hands?!", Jin said surprised by what he was seeing, attracting the attention of the rest of the gang.

(A/N: They've never seen them hold hands. Sure, they walk to school holding hands but Jeongguk always lets go the moment they reach school)

"Hi!", Taehyung said enthusiastically.

Jeongguk just smiled and stayed quiet.

"Are you guys dating?", Yoongi asked bluntly pointing at their intertwined hands.

"Oh, this? It's normal for us to hold hands. We do it all the time", Jeongguk said lifting his and Taehyung's intertwined hands so the others see better.

There was this dead silence for a while. The others seriously didn't think it was normal.

"Okay, then... Shall we get our food?", Taehyung asked trying to get rid of the awkwardness.

"Yeah!", Jimin agreed.

Taehyung let go of Jeongguk's hand and went with Jimin to get food, leaving a moody Jeongguk behind.

"Calm down. You don't need him 24/7 with you. He's not your boyfriend", Yoongi told Jeongguk rolling his eyes, earning a scoff from Jeongguk.

"Let's catch up to Jimin and Taehyung", Namjoon said.

"I don't feel like eating. You guys go", Jeongguk said. Yoongi just shrugged and left with Namjoon and Jin.

A few minutes later, Jeongguk saw Jimin heading back to their table alone.

The moment Jimin sat down, Jeongguk asked, "Where's Taehyung?"

Jimin only smirked in the process.

"He's with Bogum, sitting over there", Jimin stated pointing to a table not that close to them.

Jeongguk turned around and saw his best friend with the guy he despises most in the world.

"Are you kidding m- What the hell? Is he feeding Tae?", Jeongguk questioned irritated by the sight.

"Jeongguk shut the fuck up. He's not your boyfriend. Stop being so overly protective of him. Plus, who knows? Maybe Tae likes Bogum and Bogum likes him back. Once they start dating, it won't be your place to get mad or annoyed when they're together", Jimin said on purpose trying to get a reaction from Jeongguk. Which, by the way did.

Jeongguk snapped on the inside but decided not to say anything. Jimin's words hit him hard though he knew he shouldn't believe it.

Yoongi, and the NamJin couple arrived not long after and sat on the table.

"Oh, so Taehyung is sitting with Bogum now? Does he like him?", Yoongi asked when he saw Taehyung and Bogum sitting together.

"Don't assume. Then again, maybe you're right", Jin said looking at Namjoon for no reason.

Jeongguk had enough. It pissed him off so much he slammed his hand on the table making a big sound.

The whole cafeteria turned quiet...

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