Chapter 23

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"Please... can we go back to how we used to? To our 'normal' selves?"

(Third P.O.V)

"Tae... no. Not anymore", Jeongguk replied.

Taehyung's eyes started getting teary.

"No. Don't cry. You're only gonna make me feel more guilty", Jeongguk said.

"But I.. m-miss what we h-had", Taehyung said, now crying.

"... me too, but I want to be a better person for you", Jeongguk said, hugging Taehyung.

There was a tremendous amount of silence which lasted about 3 minutes.

"Just one, please", Taehyung spoke when he calmed down.

"Huh? One what?", Jeongguk asked confused.

"One... kiss. Just one more kiss on the lips. That's... my condition", Taehyung said, getting very nervous.

Jeongguk smiled.

He leaned in and kissed Taehyung not so passionately. After all, they're not what they used to be so he was being careful.

Taehyung deepened the kiss which made it harder for Jeongguk to back out.

After realizing that it might turn into something more than just a kiss, Jeongguk broke it.

"Sorry... it's been so long since our last kiss and it felt really good to have your lips on mine again", Taehyung said, turning red.

"No kidding", Jeongguk laughed.

"Jeongguk. I will try and find a way to restore what we once had, okay? Trust me on this", Taehyung said with a heartwarming smile.

Jeongguk ruffled Taehyung's hair and said, "Alright.. but in the meantime, we're just friends. Okay, Taehyung? I don't want you pulling little stunts on me, is that clear?"

"Stunts?", Taehyung questioned.

"Uh... doing things that'll make me go crazy for you. Like, purposely hanging out with other guys to make me jealous and other stuff", Jeongguk said.

".......... I can't promise anything"


"Shhh. Go take a shower", Taehyung said, pushing him out of the room and then closing the door on his face.

'I Love You'

(Time Skip To Next Morning)

"Is this really necessary?", Jeongguk asked, pointing at the clothes Taehyung made him wear.

Taehyung didn't want Jeongguk to show his attractiveness in his new school so he made sure Jeongguk was covered well with a big hoodie and loose pants.

"Yes. Ah! I forgot the mask!", Taehyung said, leaving the room to go get it.

Jeongguk started to chuckle.

Soon, Taehyung was already back, putting the mask on Jeongguk.

"Something is missing", Taehyung said, crossing his arms and analyzing the look of his friend.

"There's more?", Jeongguk whined.

"I got it!", Taehyung said, putting the hood of the hoodie on Jeongguk's head.

"There. You're perfect. Now people won't see your face. Except the eyes. We can go now", Taehyung said, very proud of himself. He then started to make his way out of the room but got pulled back.

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