Chapter 7

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Friday morning.

(Jeongguk's P.O.V)

I had just woken up to an empty bed.

What? Where's Taehyung? He never wakes up early.

I checked the bathrooms, the other rooms, living room and kitchen yet still no sign of him. Where the fuck is he??

I went upstairs to get my phone and called him.

Taehyung: Hello?

Jeongguk: Baby!! Where the hell are you? I was worried.

Taehyung: Ah. Don't worry Koo. I woke up early because I had some stuff to do with Bogum. I'll come to school so don't worry.

Jeongguk: Why are you with him?! Is that why you were talking with him yesterday? Why couldn't you tell me?!

Taehyung: I'm so sorry Koo. I'll explain when I see you at school, alright?

Jeongguk: Fine.

Taehyung: Thank you. Love ya, Koo.

Jeongguk: Wait-

Did he just hung up on me?! Oh, whatever. I won't stay mad.

Then it hit me... He said he loved me. The thought made me happy. Very, very happy.

Snap out of it!

I headed to make breakfast. After I ate, I brushed my teeth, got dressed and made my way to school.

When I got to school and I didn't see him. He'll probably be here later. I saw Jimin and Yoongi in the hallway and walked up to them.

"Hey", I greeted.

"Hi, Kookie!", Jimin greeted back.

"Where's Tae?", Yoongi asked.

"He's somewhere with Bogum", I replied.

"You let him go with Bogum?", Jimin asked looking at me questioningly.

"No.. I didn't. I woke up and didn't see him. He woke up earlier than me and left", I said annoyed.

"Well, Tae loves spending time with you so he wouldn't leave on purpose. Maybe he had important things to talk with Bogum", Yoongi said which caught my attention and made me smile. He's right.

"What are you guys talking about?", Jin asked out of nowhere along side with Namjoon.

"Tae left the house while Jeongguk was sleeping to go do something with Bogum. He's not liking it. I mean, look at his face. He's irritated", Jimin said trying to contain his laughter.

I glared at him and Yoongi glared at me.

Tch. So overprotective of your boyfriend.

"It's fine, Kook. Don't get mad. He'll be in your arms in no time", Namjoon said relieving me a bit more.

"By the way, where's Hoseok?", Jin asked.

"Oh, he said he was sick today and couldn't come. I quote, 'Tell the guys I'm sick and that I'll miss them. Also, tell Tae I love him with all my heart.' ", Yoongi said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Excuse you?", I said giving him a death glare.

"Chill. Hoseok didn't mean it that way. We all love Tae the same way", Jin said.

.. no. That doesn't sound right.

I went to class and sat on my seat as I waited for Taehyung to arrive.

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