Chapter 37

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(Third P.O.V)

The weekend had ended pretty quickly. The soon to be couple spent the rest of their time doing the usual. More than anything, the two were looking forward to start off the new week at school together. Like good old times.

Monday had approached before they knew it and Taehyung found himself in the arms of Jeongguk early in the morning.

'He's still sleeping? Usually, he'd be awake by now', Taehyung thought before giggling.

He tried to remove Jeongguk's arms but at that moment, Jeongguk tightened his hold on him and started mumbling stuff.

"No... don't leave me, baby... I love you."

Taehyung laughed. 'Is he dreaming?', he thought.

"Koo. Wake up", Taehyung said lightly, shaking him a bit.

Jeongguk groaned but didn't wake up. Instead, he kept mumbling more stuff.

"Leave my boyfriend alone."

'Boyfriend? What in the world is he dreaming about?', Taehyung thought, slightly taken aback. This time, he shook Jeongguk roughly before lightly yelling, "Wake! Up!"

Jeongguk woke up all confused.

"What?", Jeongguk asked sleepily, still holding onto Taehyung.

"We have to get up for school", Taehyung said.

"I don't wanna", Jeongguk complained, bringing Taehyung closer to him.

Taehyung chuckled before speaking up.

"If you wake up, I'll give you kisses for an entire day."

That was enough to wake Jeongguk up. Want proof? The guy was already making his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth. This made Taehyung laugh for quite some time. After calming down, he exit the room and entered the one where his clothes were. Yes. He still hadn't brought his clothes to their shared room.

(Editor: This duck had the audacity to make Tae not move his clothes back into Tae's and JK's bedroom. Can you believe that such an idiot author even exists?! Anyway, pls continue)

He brushed his teeth and entered the closet not long after.

Once he managed to put on his clothes, he looked in the mirror.

"I low key look like I'm going to an interview. Maybe I should loosen up the collar area.......... Oh, I should unbutton the sleeves as well................... Perfect. It looks more casual now", Taehyung said, content with how it looks; going to 'Jeongguk's room'.

"Koo?", he called out.

"Over here, love", Jeongguk responded from the bathroom.

"What are you doing?", Taehyung asked once he made it there. He had an amused expression.

"Wetting my hair", Jeongguk stated as he had his head under the sink faucet.

"Why?", Taehyung asked very, very amused.

"I wanna go to school with wet hair for some odd reason. I saw a YouTuber try it and he looked cool. I wanna see if I can pull it off", Jeongguk said, turning off the water and looking for a towel.

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