Before the interesting stuff

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Lets start at the beginning, a little before the action, we need to know who you are after all. We may know you, but we don't really KNOW you for say. So lets get a little bit of backstory and/or lore and then we can get into the juicy stuff.

Now, lets begin [Inserts and plays VHS tape]

[A few years before main story]

Hello, my name is Y/N and I'm just your typical 10-year-old. I like to hang out with my friends and family and to play videogames. My dad's a cop so he sometimes take's me down to the range to shoot gun's with him, I love these bonding moments. I want to be big and strong like him someday so I can protect people and become a hero, just like him. My mom doesn't want me to do that because I could get hurt, but I'll be fine, probably. It would be hard to become a cop like my dad anyways because we are faunus. My dad and I are dog faunus while my mom and little sister are cat faunus. Despite being "opposite's" by parents get along great, as me and my sister do. I hope there will be a way for me to help others in the future, I just want everyone to get along.


Why did they do this? How did this happen? Why where there so many grimm? Is my family even alive? The Grimm overran my town and caused chaos throughout the area, lots are dead and I don't know where my family is. I remember something about 1 of my uncles though, apparently where he works is close by and he knows how to fight, he's my best chance at survival. I think he work's at Umbrella Pharmaceuticals, he is a security guard or something like that...


I learned about what my uncle REALLY does, he is known by most as Hunk or "The Grim Reaper". I have went through training to join the USS just like him, everyone call's me Jet if they are nice or "The Little Reaper" to piss me off, I'm not THAT short. I met this guy, we call him Ghost, he helped get me set in and helped me make my weapon. I customized the standard issue LE-5's that we get with a War Pick so I have a weapon for melee fights. I'm proud of it and so is Ghost, he has been kind of my best friend while I was in the USS. We are on different teams though, he is on the A team while I'm on the B team. I get why as I'm younger and less experienced, but I'm still a little upset that I can't be with my uncle, I want to make him proud. I found out my family is alive, but I can't go back now, they might never forgive me for going down this path. I'm sorry...

[Final timeskip]

Today I'm being deployed, we are being sent in after Alpha Team in Raccoon City after 3 day's of no report or contact. We are told to prepare for the worst and to remember our objectives. All of my training for this, let's do this...

[VHS tape stops]

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