Daily Conflicts

700 10 16

Its friday, and what better way to start the day than to have Cinder and Salem hijack my dreams again and give me another thing that will raise my blood pressure? Later today is also is the day every guys dreads most, meeting your girlfriend's family. Today after school I am going to visit Ruby and Yang's parents at their house, and I'm fucking terrified of what they might think about me. I hope I don't just get immediately kicked out and that Summer doesn't feel bad when she sees me.

<Enter the dreamland>

I'm falling and I hit the floor, and what do you know? It's the same fenced off area as last time before getting my eardrums blasted with an airhorn. There is Cinder, looking at me with malicious intent while heating her weapon. Looking around I have no weapons or anything I could use in this pit to my advantage, just a car that I could use as cover. Looking up I see Cinder jump into the pit and Salem is watching me intently, studying me to see what I will do.

Jet: You need to give me a gun Salem.

Salem: Now why on earth would I do that child?

Jet: Cause if she just slices me in half it won't be much of a fight, will it?

Salem: Hmm... Fine, you can have this.

Jet: A fucking pocket knife?

Salem: Be gracious, at least I gave you something. Don't go getting greedy now cause thats all you're going to get for now.

Jet: What am I going to do with a knife?

Cinder then approaches me and I prepare to fight her in this pit, she just looks at me with my knife and starts laughing at me

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Cinder then approaches me and I prepare to fight her in this pit, she just looks at me with my knife and starts laughing at me.

Cinder: Hahaha, what do you think your going to be able to do with that?

Jet: I'm going to stab your shins you bitch.

Cinder: You won't live long enough boy.

We then start clashing blades, I'm just trying to not get fucked up and she isn't trying to hard. I did bring a pocket knife to a sword fight so that might be why. She is just lazily swinging at me so I can block or dodge with a bit of effort. I then get a nice slash on her face and when she is stunned I start stabbing the shit out of her and her legs. She then knocks me back from her and looks up at me with a new scar and a VERY angry look on her face.

Cinder: Oh, no, no, no, no...! Now you gonna get it!

She then rushes me and starts slashing at me over and over with a lot of force in her swings. I block and block and block again but she isn't letting up. She then ignited some of the ground and kicks it in my face to stun me, and then she gives my one good leg the same cutting treatment as my other limbs.

Jet: ARG! AGH!

Cinder: *Sarcastically* Poor thing.

I then crawl over to my severed leg and grab it, Cinder then puts down a First Aid Med on the ground in front of me.

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