Outer conflict, Inner peace

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After driving back to Beacon I make my way back to my dorm to see it empty. I change back into my usual combat uniform and leave to go get some food. When I get to the cafeteria I notice that everyone is looking at me, some with fear and some with disgust. I'm guessing word of my combat style has been spread around, let's hope it doesn't get violent. I make my way over to my team, who seems to be chilling without any real emotion towards me. Team RWBY and JNPR however seem to be judging me very intensely. Ruby, Yang, and Ren look more impressed with my skill than upset. Weiss and Blake look a bit disgusted at what I'm presuming is a lack of care for the life of the terrorist. While Jaune, Pyrrha and Nora look rather neutral, Nora is still slightly intimidated because I have convinced her I'm a robot. I think she will be calm as long as Ren is with her though.

Jet: G'day.

Jada/AJ/Nate: Goodmorning.

Jada: How was your night off?

Jet: Just what I needed after a long week of combat. I had my fun and cleared my head, now I'm combat ready.

Blake: Yeah, so you can go kill some more faunus?

Oh shit, here we go...

Jet: Not particularly faunus, just people who are hurting others. Anyone can be a terrorist, it's not just a faunus thing.

Blake: And what do you mean by that?

Jet: I mean that anyone can be a bad person, human or faunus if you commit a serious crime and if you are a threat to society I will take you out if need be.

Blake: Yeah, ok murderer.

Jet: Hey, those animals took a woman hostage who wanted to be free, she wanted out of the terrorist life with her husband and what did they do? Those animals killed that poor man and were going to do the same to that woman. Taking her by force is the only reason she is alive, this is the real world Blake. And out here people get hurt or they die, get used to it.

Weiss: How dare you speak to my teammate like that?

Jet: She needs to learn, you can't defend literal terrorism like that. If the same thing happened to your mother or sister or brother you wouldn't defend them then, would you Weiss?

Weiss: You better watch your tongue, cause I'll gladly remove it for you.

Jet: If you try, what's left of your corpse will be dead before it hits the floor. I didn't train for years to be told how to fight, and I know what happens when people fight like pussies. They die, plain and simple. I refuse to become another homicide statistic.

Weiss: If fighting like a pussy means I don't become a ruthless murderer, then I guess I'm a pussy.

I can tell we are about to fight, her and Blake have both stood up and everyone is watching. I'm guessing Goodwitch will be here in about 60 seconds to intercept so I have to survive for that long.

Weiss: Why don't I show you what it is like to "fight like a pussy"? *Draws her weapon*

Blake: Yeah, it shouldn't be too hard for someone like yourself, now should it Little Death? *Draws her weapon*

Everyone knows where this is going, what they don't know is I'm not going to wipe the floor with them. I'm just going to run the clock out so Goodwitch doesn't fucking kill me.

Weiss then uses her semblance and I get trapped, so I can only move my left arm. She then lifts me and drags me over to her, so close that our faces are almost touching. I then stuggle and sock her twice in the face, causing her to yeet me across the room and into a wall. I land and while laying prone I draw my MUP and start shooting the two of them, to which they start moving in on me. I rise to me knee while reloading and then stand up and take aim. I fire at them again, landing some hits and slowing them down. Blake gets up close and tries to slam her blade down on me, which I then lunge and roll out of the way. I then see Weiss try to do the same thing, so I slide under her blade and twards Blake. She tries to grab me so I slide between her legs and start firing at them. Weiss tries to hit me with a upward slash, which I ride it up and flip over them, firing at them on the way down. Blake then tries to swipe be, just to get a axe kick to the face. As I continue falling I take aim at the girls before hearing the door open behind me, so I don't shoot cause I know better. Weiss then kicks me across the room and right to Goodwitch's feet.

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