New Gear, New Team, Same Bullshit

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I enter the dust store to be recognized by the shopkeep, which is good because I had my order of ammo here and it would suck if he didn't recognize me. If he forgot me though he must have some mental problems then because I'm a fucking unit, quite literally.

Shopkeeper: Ah, your back! Good, your ammo is ready for you to grab. Thanks again for shopping here and I hope to see you here again.

Jet: Thank you kindly.

I grab my ammo and leave, I need to prepare for my time at Beacon so I don't have any time to waste. First things first, after I get my ammo I need to get a new weapon. I may love my guns but they are meant for killing grimm and the retarded infected zombies. I need something that is specialized in killing people, or tanks. Now let's check my mini-map for a nearby weapons shop. Why do I have a mini-map? Cause it's a map on my watch, therefore it's mini due to how fucking small and hard to read it is. Lucky me! I found one only a few blocks away so I should be able to walk there after a bit of self reflection. Or I could not do that because that would take much longer than a few blocks. I have fucked up greatly. Oh look we're here! Let's take a look at what they got.

This is a nice gun store, very high quality firearms in terms of how they are handled and the weapon types here. There aren't any shit guns here, everything here is meant to look, shoot, and feel good. Let's see if they got something I would like.

Shopkeeper: Hello there sir, how can I help you?

Jet: I need a weapon, something powerful, accurate, and reliable.

Shopkeeper: We have a few things you might like... lets see here...

Shopkeeper: How about a M4 or a AK?

Jet: No, I already have a LE-5 for that.

Shopkeeper: Ok... how about a SPAS-12 or SPAS-15?

Jet: No, I have a W-870 for that.

Shopkeeper: Ok... how about a AX-50?

Jet: That... might work. May I try it on the range?

Shopkeeper: But of course, right this way sir.

[Short timeskip]




Shopkeeper: So, what do you think?

Jet: I think this might be a winner. I'll take it.

Shopkeeper: Perfect, come with me and we will do the paperwork.


I got my new baby, the Accuracy International AX50. It can pop someone's head like a grape from MILES away. My MAG may be loaded in Sand .50 AE, but this is loaded in Rock .50 BMG. Getting hit with this will ruin your week. Luckily if you are hit with this you won't like long enough to feel its effects.

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