No Time To Mourn

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[Shown above is what happened, watch that if you wish to see that]

*Racking of a shotgun*
*Beeping of a scroll*
Ozpin: I got your message, Jet, here is the deal, I'll get you out of there if you join my school and let me use you as evidence against Umbrella. I want them shut down and your my ticket to that, what do you say?

Jet: I accept your terms, how am I getting out?

Ozpin: We will send a bullhead to a point in the sewers, point K9 if I'm not mistaken. It will pick you up and you will be immediately arrested and questioned by my assistant Ms. Goodwitch, answer her questions and you will then be brought to Beacon as a first year, you will have to go through initiation like everyone else though. If you cause trouble during your time at Beacon Ms. Goodwitch will personally straighten you out. Understand?

Jet: Copy that Oz.

Ozpin: The bullhead will be there in 10 minutes, be there or be left behind.

Jet: Got it...

*Shotgun fully racks*


I have gotten all of my gear and equipment, my SMG and MAG have no ammo so I put them in their compact form and hid them in my pockets. I got a shotgun with 8 rounds and a handgun with 20, let's do this...

I run through the gunshop and into the street where I see two zombies, but something is off. Their eyes are glowing and their skin is purple... I'll shoot the first one in the chest and see what happens... Ok, that is some dangerous looking gas, I don't want to breath that in. Probably poisonous, so let's stay back. I shot the other zombie in the knee and ran by while he was stunned, I then ran down the street and into the car garage of the RPD, where i could get into the sewers. When I got there I was a group of zombies and one of them had what looked like a tank of gas on his back. I aimed at it and... *BANG* All of the zombies are dead, now I can proceed safely to the ladder that leads me down to the sewers.

I ran around a corner and saw another zombie with a gas tank on his back, but something told me not to shoot it. So I shot the zombie in the head until it dropped the tank, then I ran by it and I heard the screech of a licker behind me. I turned around and I shot the gas canister killing the licker and the downed zombie instantly. *BANG* I then regretted my life decisions up to that point as a zombie bit me in the shoulder, and holy shit it hurt. I then proceeded to decapitate him with a shotgun to assert my dominance. As I ran down the walkway I saw 3 zombies approach me, I shot them in the head and then ran by them while they are down.

Running down the stairs I see another zombie attacking a cabinet with a backpack, so I shot him and looted his bag. He had enough dust in his bag to make a nice amount of shotgun ammo, which I will happily take. I then turn a corner and run down a long hallway as five zombies start rising from the floor. I run past the first three and then shoot the fourth in the head, busting it like a watermelon. I then shot the fifth one in the legs, removing is walking privileges. I then ran by him and down some dark stairs where I see another zombie with a gas canister attacking the wall. I shoot him and see the vending machine next to him, where are these things coming from? *BANG* Whatever, give the the Flash Grenade please.

I then limp down the stairs to the elevator down into the sewers, ignoring the zombies on the floor. When I get to the elevator the zombies start to get up so I hit the button and start shooting the knees of the zombies. When the elevator gets up to my level I limp in and hit the down button. I have a very brief moment of safety, but a moment nonetheless. I then get a red herb from the vending machine in the break room and head out to confront the next wave.

I see a zombie trying to get up with a backpack, so I shoot him with my handgun and then shoot a zombie to my right with my shotgun. I see four zombies to my left so I shoot one with my shotgun and it just takes it and gets up. I then shoot the four in the head and they drop. I see two more coming from the right, one is normal and one is infected with a backpack. I shoot them and one of the ones from before try to sneak attack me, she lost her head and one more comes from the right just to get shot in the head like all of his friends. I make some ammo and go down into the sewage to a vending machine to make a powerful herb to cure my wounds and run back to check the first backpack that I left behind. I see the poison zombie back up and I shoot him in the head, poisoning myself in the process like a dumbass. I then heal myself and go up to the bag, shooting another zombie and getting a Spark Shot. I go back to the sewage and start my walk through, I then see a G lunge at me and I run back. I see a zombie rise from the water so I blast his leg, drowning him. I then shoot the G with the Spark Shot and expose his eye, while it is stunned I run by it and to the end and down the stairs to the next part.

I see a vending machine and a bunch of zombies on a bridge, I shoot the zombies on the bridge and see a zombie with a gas canister. I shoot his canister *BANG*, and blast a surviving zombie with my shotgun. I make ammo from a backpack one had and get a knife from the vending machine. I cross the bridge and see a Ivy, he in for a shock as he gets the full discharge of the Spark Shot.

I then run up some stairs and shoot three zombies in the head and a fourth in the leg. There are some more stairs to my right which I run up. I see two zombies and I help them break a leg. I head to the next zombie to the side of a bridge and he has a bag, I kill him with a head-splosion shot from my handgun and loot him for ammo and herbs.

I see four zombies ahead, so I prepare my handgun and empty what ammo I have left into them. None of them die so I use my shotgun, two shots in the head and two in the legs. I run to the next room and see a Ivy, so I use the last bit of my Spark Shot ammo on him and continue on. I run down some stairs and see three zombies, and I shoot the first once twice and dodge the others. I enter the room to the right and see a G waiting for me, but I just run by him cause he's a worthless piece of shit. Yeah! Take that... G! I blast a zombie, and yeet my Flash Grenade into the horde of zombies that are in this tiny walkway, but OH NO! It's another Ivy! If only I had a shotgun or some- SUCK THIS SHIT! *BANG* *BANG* I then run through the blind zombie mob and run to the end of the walkway, the feeling of rain on my skin once again. Why could he have not just picked me up at the surface?

Ugh... At least I made it, with only one shell left too...

I ditch the Spark Shot, turn on a light and run to the center of the pad, and I wait... I get blinded by a bright light, it's the bullhead! I raise my arm and weapon in victory, but this victory is going to be short lived. VERY short lived...

 VERY short lived

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