
473 7 5

Total kills: 9,159
Human EKIA: 2,403
Grimm EKIA: 6,724
Post-Mortem EKIA: 32
Peace to the fallen
You've spent so many nights, but here's another five.
You'll come to realize evil doesn't die.
I know you're frightened by the thought of what's inside.
Hiding behind my lifeless eyes.
Here I rest in a nice house in the sticks, surrounded by the ones I love. I finally ended it, no more Salem, no more White Fang. With the world in a much better place I can finally rest and start a family with my wife's, don't ask me how I got more than one, my ugly ass somehow got 5. Right now they are talking about trivial things, but I'm just glad to be with them, you never know how much you value your friends and family until they are in jeopardy. And I'm proud to say that I have kept them safe, and whenever the Grimm decided to come back, I'll keep protecting them to my last breath. However there is one thing left that I have to do before I can truly relax.
[Arlington, Vale, -
November 26, 20XX
Umbrella Security Service]

I rang the doorbell of the house, and I waited. After so long I am finally here, I'm finally home.
???: Hello?
Ghost: Hey, mom.
???: Y/N?!?
Ghost: Yep, it's me.
I then hug my mom, it's been so long that I can't help but let a few tears out. She is crying several tears of joy herself.
Mom: Your finally here! And just in time for Thanksgiving too!
Ghost: Hope you made enough.
Mom: We always made a little extra, just in case you somehow made it. How did you even get here?
Ghost: Semblance.
Mom: Come on in Bubba! Everyone! Y/N's back!
I follow my mom inside and I am swarmed by two dogs, they seem very happy to meet me.
Ghost: Who are these two?
Mom: The German Shepherd is Ace, and the Golden Retriever is Honey.
We then go into the kitchen, where my sister and dad are. To say they are surprised is a understatement. We hug it out and we start crying and smiling together. After so many years, our family is finally complete again.
Dad: So what's up with the military uniform? I know you worked with Umbrella but they are long gone.
Ghost: Actually, I was able to contact and reinvent the company. Instead of creating viruses and spreading death we contain and prevent incidents. We are kinda like Vale's special forces.
Dad: Well I'm sure you have a lot to tell us about your adventure, how about we all grab a plate and you can tell us over dinner? We made extra macaroni, just for you.
Ghost: Good idea, I can't wait to eat together as a family again.
We all get our food and we sit down together, we say prayers together, and we eat together. We are finally together again, all the blood, sweat, and tears that have been shed have finally allowed me to relax and be with the ones I love. I am a life taker and a heart breaker, but if I had to do it all again, I would in a heartbeat.
I didn't ask for this war. But once it started I had to finish it. Hands down Salem was the toughest enemy I ever faced. All my tactics, my training, meant nothing against a immortal like her. In the end, it was a battle of wills. It never occurred to me that for winning, I'd get her Grimm Pools. At first I hoped to right every wrong that has been made with it. But then I figured out that doing it meant I'd have to decide the fates of billions. Picking who lives and who died on a global scale? It was going to kill my soul. I'd end up no better than those old men who sent us off to war, not giving a shit about what would happen. And that's not the man I want to be. It's time to walk away, permanently, leaving the pain and the ugliness behind. After all I've been through, I've earned a little peace. This is Bravo 1-4, signing off.
-Y/N "Ghost" L/N

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