Getting Evil, Getting Even

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Author: The picture above has nothing to do with the story, I'm just flexing with my anime LMG.

Operation: Urban Angel
Day 183 - 9:37:16
Location: Beacon
USS - Bravo Team Member "Jet"]

After landing back at Beacon I was immediately escorted to Ozpin's office by Glynda and Qrow, something urgent must be up.
Ozpin: Thank you for being here so quickly Jet, I'm sure you have questions about what is going on.
Jet: Yes, and I'm sure you will answer them.
Ozpin: That I will, but first let's talk business. Salem has spies in Beacon and we have identified them thanks to a defector in their ranks, you need to take them out. It has been brought to my attention that you have not been payed or given any supplies needed since you have arrived here, so we will get you what you need for this mission along with a permanent payment method. What do you need to eliminate these targets?
Jet: I will need you to modify 2 of my weapons, I need ammo, and I need a new uniform.
Ozpin: That can been done, now let's do the paperwork to get this show on the road.


Ozpin has gotten my AX50 and my W-870 modified to my personal tastes.

My W-870 has been given a longer barrel, a sturdier stock and pump, a longer ammo tube, and the most effective suppressor available

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My W-870 has been given a longer barrel, a sturdier stock and pump, a longer ammo tube, and the most effective suppressor available. It is now a more efficient and silent close range head popping machine.

My AX50 has been given a longer rifled barrel, a sturdier stock, a high cap magazine, the most efficient suppressor available, a bipod, and a thermal overlay for my 5x-12

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My AX50 has been given a longer rifled barrel, a sturdier stock, a high cap magazine, the most efficient suppressor available, a bipod, and a thermal overlay for my 5x-12.1x scope. I can pop heads clean off or tear limbs from their sockets from a mile away as quite as a ghost with this thing.

I got new BDU's and a new vest, so I can finally wear decent clothes again. For this operation I am not going to wear my respirator, just my helmet with my NVG's. I have about a hour before I am going to head out and complete my mission, so I am going to spend it with Yang and my friends.


*Knock Knock*
Yang: Jet! You look fancy, are you going on a mission?
Jet: In about a hour, so I thought we could hang out before then.
Yang: Ok, come on in. The girls and I are playing card games.
I enter the room and as Yang said, the girls are sitting around a pile of cards and chips, each with their own expression at how the game is going. When they look up at us Ruby's eyes go wide and she starts foaming at the mouth at the sight of my upgraded weapons, Weiss looks at my face with shock and at Ruby with concern, and Blake is staring at my patch that says "Property of Yang Xiao Long".
Jet: Ok, just calm down a bit.
I give Ruby my new toys and she starts to intensely study them, while Yang makes sure she doesn't have a stroke or something.
Weiss: What happened to your face?
Jet: Hey! I'm ugly and I'm proud!
Weiss: I didn't say you were ugly, I just wanted to know what happened to your face.
Jet: Life is soup, I am a fork. I'm also a pin cushion and a punching bag. Nuff said.
Weiss: Did it hurt?
Jet: A lot, but in bearable amounts over time.
Weiss: What do you-
Blake: Why do you have that patch?
Jet: Oh, cause I'm a bottom. Just don't look at my shirt or my hat that I never wear.
Blake: Oh god...
Jet: Just wait until Yang gets the collar, then you can call questionable consent into play.
Yang: Oh that reminds me-
Jet: NO.
Yang: But you would look so cute, it will also let those bitches know your mine.
Jet: But that's kinda racist.
Yang: What do you- Oh. OH!
Jet: We'll talk about that later, ok?
Yang: Ok...
Weiss: What are you talking about? Why would it be racist, it's just weird.
Jet: *Removes helmet, showing doggo ears*

Operation Urban Angel (ResidentEvilMaleReader X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now