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The escape ends here
Jet tried his best, but he couldn't outrun Salem. Dragged to the basement staircase and thrown inside, Jet is still gagging on the mold-chocked air as Salem slams the door on his escape, saying "you sit tight, now... I got some friends I want you to meet."

Operation: Urban Angel
Day ???- 23:59:30
Location: ???
USS - Bravo Team Member "Jet"]

Jet: Ugh... Where am I?
Jet: You got to be fucking kidding me...

Looking around I'm in some sort of Incinerator Room, there is a workbench and a compactor in this room. I also have a watch that says 1000 Scrap. Going up to the bench I craft my shotgun, my SMG, a knife, some ammo, and some adrenaline. I turn on the compactor and I leave the room to get a lay of the land.
Jet: Ok, I can do this.

Survive 5 Hours

Looking around I'm in some sort of Process Area, I see another compactor so I turn it on and fall back to a tactical position where my back is against the wall. Inspecting my shotgun in its nonupgraded form, 4 rounds and a small ass barrel. I would have preferred my 10 rounds and a huge ass suppressed barrel, but this will do. I switch to my LE-5 and I wait for the assault.
Jet: Shit
Zombies covered in Salem's Grimm mold start to rise from the ground and they start to slowly hobble their way over to me, so I slap the bolt shut and I take aim. I don't know what happened to these poor fuckers but they are dying twice.
So their heads just explode when they die, great design choice. I reload and prepare for the next one, and I repeat my process of shooting them in the head before they get to close over and over again. After god knows how long I start running dry, so I switch to my shotgun and I go to collect the scrap from the compactors. I simply run by the zombies that seem too stupid to lung at a moving target, and soon I'm back in the Incinerator Room and making ammo on the workbench. I reload and take aim at the door, capping and zombie that walk through. After a minute I get a alert on my watch and the lights turn red
Comm: Alert! Eliminate all enemies!
Looking out into the hall I move up, sweeping a a slow and careful fashion. I then see a zombie on all fours like a licker, but different...
Crawler: *Bass boosted screeching*
I draw my shotgun and I blast it in the face, instantly killing it. 3 more pop up and they get the same treatment, no head and very dead.
Jet: I'm not dying down here!

Survive 4 Hours

That's one wave down, four more to go. I collect the scrap to craft ammo and my Lightning Hawk, they are fucked now. I also get some acid and I use it to open a door to get another compactor. I move back to my power position and I await the wave.
Jet: Keep it together, you survived this far.
I sat on alert, smoking any poor sap that looked at me funny. They just keep coming and coming, like they aren't going to get shot or something.
My LE-5 makes short work of zombies, my W-870 at this range makes even shorter work of them. I'm popping heads like grapes, this is too easy. I'm not going to get overwhelmed, these zombies are just belligerent and numerous, not fast or strong. I'm just smoking another and another and another zombie, even the crawlers aren't doing much better. One did get a slight hit on me, and then was immediately executed on the spot with no impunity.
Comm: Alert! Eliminate Salem!
Salem: You think you can kill my subjects and get away with it? I will haunt your dreams and fill you with sleepless nights.
Jet: Wait this is a dream?
Salem: Uh-
Jet: That means I can do this!
I then summon a tablet and punch a code into it, sealing this nightmares fate.
Jet: This is Jet to Watchtower, sending code!
Watchtower: This is Watchtower, passcode accepted, deploying tactical nuke to your AO. ETA 15 seconds.
Jet: Fuck you Salem! This is my dream, I AM THE CAPTAIN HERE BITCH!
Salem: Do you not fear death child? Or the Queen of Grimm?
Jet: No, my will to live is like a mine. It's definitely there, but you can barely tell. And like a mine it will mess you up when you fuck with it.
Salem: There is something special about you.
Jet: It's not how tall a man is that makes him a man...
Jet: ... it's the size of his dic- heart! It's his heart.
*Earrape bass boosted explosions*



Jet: It's over, I made it. And I did it by embracing the bullshit.
Salem: That was quite impressive, I'll give you that. However don't think I'm going to let you get away with this.
Jet: No, I know I'm getting away with it. Your other pawns are next, only 4 left.
Salem: And then what, you can't kill me.
Jet: But I can fuck you, and I'm going to go on you very hard.
Salem: Don't you have two girlfriends?
Jet: Soon to be four, and who said I would fuck you? I'm going to drop on you like a fucking piano. It's a figure of speech, you dumbass.
Salem: Watch your tongue boy.
Jet: Or what? You don't scare me, I'm sleeping with a bombshell and a psychopath. They scare me because they can actually hurt me.
Salem: Oh, I'll hurt you.
Jet: And I'll shove my tentacle taser up your ass.
Salem: Try me, and I'll show you pain.
Jet: I'm a masochist, please, hit me.
Salem: *visible frustration* You weird me out and interest me at the same time.
Jet: You could do with a boyfriend, it's probably been a while since you felt love.
Salem: What do you mean by that?
Jet: It's nice, there's this thing called Tinder, try it.
Salem: You little-
I then walk off into the light and wake myself up before she can wake me up, suck shit Salem. Your grunts are going down and you will follow.


Operation: Urban Angel
Day 200- 10:14:37
Location: Neo's "cell"
USS - Bravo Team Member "Jet"]

I woke up and there I lay, handcuffed to the bed with a collar on my neck, a naked girl on each side cuddling me, the room smelling of lust and shame. These girls are a handful, and I love it.
I move a bit to wake the girls up, and after a minute they get up, groggily.
Yang: Good morning.
Neo: Good morning.
Jet: Good morning you two, how did you sleep?
Yang: I slept good, how about you Neo?
Neo: *Thumbs up*
Yang: What about you, you looked stressed.
Jet: Just a little nightmare, I kicked it's ass.
Yang: That's good, what's on the agenda today?
Jet: First we get breakfast, then we go to the ice cream parlour, then the bar.
Yang: Sounds good, I'm going to shower. I need it after last night.
Jet: And I'm still cuffed.
Yang: We'll uncuff you before we leave.


AJ: That still bothers me no matter how many times I see it...
Jet: It it the collar?
AJ: It's the collar...
Jet: I am a willing subject to this act, therefore it is not racist against Faunus.
AJ: But still bro...
Jet: Let me be the sub in the relationship, I have a tag per girlfriend.
AJ: Two tags?
Jet: Soon to be four.
Nate: How could you manage that?
Jet: Very carefully, and with a lot of lust.
Nate: bruh.
Jet: All I'll say is that heat helps in this case.
AJ: Bruh.
Jet: And special pressure points being pressed.
Jada: BRUH.
Jet: And a lot of shameful acts, so much shame.
Jada/AJ/Nate: BRUH!

Jet: This is why I drink a gallon of milk per day

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Jet: This is why I drink a gallon of milk per day.
Jada: So... how are the girls getting along?
Jet: Too well, they have teamed up.
Jada: Oh boy.
Jet: Let's just go get breakfast, I need to take them places and they get finicky if they have to wait to long.
Nate: Ok hotshot.

Nate: Ok hotshot

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