3K 36 2

*Primes weapon*

Pilot: We are reaching the insertion point, prepare ropes to be kicked...

Teammate: Ropes ready to be kicked on your order.

Comm: Remember your objective, obtain a sample of the G virus at all costs!

Bravo Team: Copy that, sir!

Pilot: Kick the ropes!

Teammate: All men out the door!

*Slides down rope*


Teammate: We have a full headcount, preceding to NEST, over.

Pilot: Copy that Bravo, call us when you are ready for extraction, over and out!

Teammate: Copy that, lets move!


Teammate: What happened here? Everyone's dead!

Teammate: We got bodies, one of ours, it looks like he was crushed and bit? The hell?

Teammate: Jesus... Clear the area.


Bravo: Freeze! Show us your hands!

Hunk: Don't shoot! Friendly!

Jet: It's Hunk! Don't shoot! Lower your weapons!

Hunk: Everyone's dead, I have a sample but we are going to have company in about 30 seconds.

Jet: Take the cable car out of here, we will hold it off.

Hunk: That's suicide... Good luck kid. *Runs off*

Jet: Ok everyone, lets take this fucker down!

Bravo: Yeah!




Teammate: OH SHIT SHI-



*Rapid footsteps*

*Muffled Screaming*

[3 day timeskip]

Its been 3 days since my team got wiped, how Hunk survived that thing for so long, I may never know. It has left NEST, but I cant leave because the cable car is at the top and power got shut down on the controls on my end, thanks you fat bastard. At least the break room has power so I can eat some nice, tasty food like Fruit Loop's or Top Ramen. The bathroom has power too which is also VERY nice for obvious reasons, at least I can shit in piece or take a shower if I need to. I spent this time trying to find any G samples left behind and I haven't found a single one yet. I have been fighting the infected from time to time but for the most part they aren't a problem, yet. Ammo is pretty low so soon they might be a huge pain in my ass, but they will feel the power of MC hammer when that happens.

[2 hour timeskip]

I hear gunshots nearby me, someone else that's alive is here, they might have a way out of this place- HOLY SHIT THAT'S A G-SAMPLE IN HIS HAND! I just need to take it and then all will be- OH FUCK HE DROPPED IT! I need to get that, and fast. Looks like I have a run in front of me.

[3 minute timeskip]

I ran down to the shaft where the sample is, I got it and now to I need to get to the cable car back at the top of NEST so I can leave this damn place. I got 30 rounds in reserve and 32 in the gun, I'm in for a fucking treat, huh? I got about 10 minutes to get out of here before NEST explodes, better make them count, bring it on you undead fucker's!

 I got 30 rounds in reserve and 32 in the gun, I'm in for a fucking treat, huh? I got about 10 minutes to get out of here before NEST explodes, better make them count, bring it on you undead fucker's!

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