Duty Calls

860 11 17

<Several weeks after last chapter>

It's been crazy, both in and out of Beacon. I've gotten a lot closer to my team, team RWBY, and team JNPR. Everyone is chill with me and people don't really just get instantly fearful when I enter a room anymore. I have also met team CFVY, they are pretty cool and a little scary at times. Now I may be a bit short, but holy shit they are fucking tall! Especially Yatsuhashi, that dude is a fucking giant and probably taller than Nate. Fox is pretty tall too, but about in line with AJ so I'm not to intimidated. I get along best with Velvet, as we are both generally quiet and we like to hang out together. She often uses me as a subject whenever she feels like having a model for her photography, this can range from more serious photos to lighthearted ones. This however has caused a lot of teasing from Coco. While I'm not bothered by it, it does bring Velvet a moderate amount of embarrassment.

I've basically become brothers with Jaune and Ren, with how much we hang out we have a solid thing. I did help Jaune out which he is still very grateful for, I also decided to help train him with common weapons and simple firearms so he could be a greater attribute to his team. Ren and I have the silent chill vibes going on, we don't talk when we hang out or do anything to crazy unsurprisingly. We usually play games like Yahtzee, Uno, Janga, or Wizard if Jaune wants to join us. Ren also likes that I can redirect Nora's attention off of him so he can breath, unfortunately she no longer believes I'm a robot after my leg got fucked up. Jaune, Ren, AJ, Nate and I often have guy nights where we go around town and try to forget all of the shit that team RWBY plus Jada go through and decide to drag us along with them, it usually ends up with most of us drunk as fuck.

I get along with my team pretty well, they don't like how I can straight up slink around and scare the shit out of them. Jada and I get along fine, she won't stop bugging me to see my face. Mate give me some privacy, Ruby and Yang saw it accidently please leave me alone. Other than that or worrying about me when she really doesn't need to we get along well enough. AJ and I are good buds, we usually don't have any problems besides who is carrying everyone home on guys night. It's usually him because he likes to be a functioning human being. Nate and I get along ok, he's tall as shit and just as strong. We have a plan in combat were he just throws me at the enemy, it works more than you would think. Would you be able to fight about 150 pounds of a combination of a small man and thick body armor slamming into you at mach 10? I didn't think so.

Now team RWBY, oh boy. They just can't go too long without getting into a gunfight with terrorists or blowing something up. Blake is a faunus and was a terrorist, Weiss was a bit racist and is still a princess, and a lot of property damage happened as a result of a firefight and I ended up accidentally shooting Neo. Oh boy she didn't let me hear the end of that.

It went a bit like this.

Jet: *Nervous* So uh... How was work?

Neo: You fucking shot me that's how work was!

Jet: Well in my defense... *Mock surrender*

Neo: *Angry glare*

Jet: *Fucking runs*

Neo: *Starts chase*

Yeah she caught me in like 12 seconds, we aren't even dating yet I spent that night forced to watch random chick flicks on Netflix with her while feeding her ice cream. To make sure I wouldn't run again she zip tied me to the fucking couch leg, it may have been zip ties but if I tried to cut it I fear what she would have done. Roman just laughed and took photos, knowing not to help me because of what Neo would actually do. And that terrifies me that he won't mess with this little ice cream monster cause of how dangerous she is.

Now back to team RWBY, they are usually chill enough. Ruby is hyperactive and all of the cookies she eats doesn't help, we get along great cause of our shared love of sugar. Weiss and I are kinda iffy, we don't really get along, but we don't hate each other. We sure as shit don't hang out though cause while she doesn't like my more brutal nature, I don't like her elitist nature. Blake and I get along fine, she always looks at me with suspicion like I'm about to commit a national tragedy however. We may get along, but she doesn't trust me for whatever reason that I don't care about. Yang and I get along great, she loves to hang out with me, always saying shit jokes or teasing me about my height or Velvet or whatever. We had a bonding moment on the roof where I showed her my face for the second time (wow), it was then I could tell she felt something for me. It was so obvious it was kinda funny, the confident and strong Yang quickly became a blushing and stuttering mess. I teased her a bit and she lost all brain functionality while becoming almost a concerning shade of red, that was hard to explain to team RWBY why I had to carry Yang back to the dorm or why she was as red as Ruby's cape and couldn't talk or walk. I don't tease her about it, all I have to do is look at her for her to lose her cool. Nora is starting to very loudly ship us together and it might cause major brain damage (along with permanent hearing loss) soon with how much she is shoving it in our faces.

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