A Night Out

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After getting back to Beacon we had to report how the mission went, at this time it was lunch so hopefully no one will see us. I may be coated in blood, at least it's not mine. It would not look good for any of us if I get spotted so it's best we move fast. After a few minutes we make it to the elevator and have it take us up to Ozpin's office.

Jet: So after the report we will probably have the rest of the day off. Want to go to a bar?

Jada: We aren't old enough to go to a bar.

Jet: I can get us in, trust me.

AJ: I'm not going, I'm already hanging out with Weiss today after school.

Jada: Yeah, I'm hanging out with Blake today after school. Sorry Jet.

Nate: I don't really like to drink, and we have homework. If you still go out I'll let you cheat of me to catch up.

Jet: Ok, I'm still going so thanks Nate.

Nate: No problem, you just might want to change first.

Jet: Yeah...


I can guess why they might not want to hang out with me right now, I'll give them some time with their others. I just hope Ozpin's alone up in his office.


As we move into the room we see Ozpin behind his desk waiting for us with a smile, along with Goodwitch who appears to be working on some papers. She then looks visibly concerned when she sees how bloody I am.

Jet: Before you ask, no the blood is not mine.

Ozpin: Of course it's not, so I take it the mission is a success?

Jada: That's correct, we got the hostage out and no one on our team was hurt. The terrorists on the other hand... they had a rough day.

Ozpin: I saw the news footage, did you have your body camera running during the situation Jet?

Jet: Yes, and I got a copy of the tape for you here. *Hands Ozpin a VHS tape labeled "Suburban Extraction"*

Ozpin: Good, I will review the footage and let you know if I need anything from you.

Jada: Sir, did we have to kill them?

Ozpin: Not particularly, you were authorized to incapacitate or eliminate any threats. If you could have just stunned them you could have spared them if you wished. However in a hostage situation attempting to incapacitate all of the terrorists could waste time that you need to reach and extract the hostage, it is better to do whatever is faster so they don't potentially kill the hostage.

Jada: Oh, ok...

Ozpin: Is that all?

Jada: Yes, that is all.

Ozpin: Ok, you all are dismissed for the rest of the day. Have a good day.

Goodwitch: Jet, could you stay back a moment?

Jet: Uh, ok...

The others leave and Ozpin himself looks a little confused, guess she wants to tell me something or needs to talk with me. Let's just hope it doesn't go south.

Goodwitch: Can you explain to me Jet, why you team is asking about the rules of engagement while you happen to be covered in blood?

Jet: Cause I killed all of the terrorist. If I saw them I shot them in the head.

Goodwitch: Really, that's it? Nothing else?

Jet: Nothing else of my knowledge.

Goodwitch: Ok... *Unconvinced*

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